Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 90 Not the End

For me it's certainly not the end, but somewhere near the middle I suppose.  I acknowledge my accomplishments but also have the strong realization that I have some more work to do.
Day 1 Front/Back Side   Day 90 Front/Back Side

All in all I have lost about 25 lbs.  I still have 10 more to lose in order to get down to the weight I was pre-children.  I'm determined.  I will take three weeks off from the intense exercising and strict diet, and return to PCP protocol sometime in May.  If the blog is still up, I will continue to post. Your comments are always welcome.

Going into this I certainly had my doubts.  My PCP friends Sara and Sarah knew this very well.  I was told to let go of all fitness/health knowledge and let Patrick's plan do the work.  As difficult as this was to do, I estimate I let go around 85%.  And it wasn't 100% because I didn't believe in the program more than my family/work obligations didn't allow me to follow it to the tee.

I want to make one point clear: I applaud Patrick for his work.  I have been in the health/fitness industry for almost 15 years.  His innovative idea of coupling technology with basic nutrition and exercise prescription is one of a kind.  The 'transparency' of having a group of people from near and far to follow you day in and out is ingenious.  In addition, the exercise prescription is perfect for a broad span of people.  From the traveling businessman to the busy working mom, the jump rope does what it needs to do in the shortest amount of time.  Well done, Patrick, I hope your project takes you as far as it has all the many people you have given a new life to.

Lastly, thank you Sara and Sarah for your friendship and support.  And to my team Praxis:  I will miss reading about your lives and I will miss your encouragement.  Stay the course as long as you shall be on this planet and may we meet again one day soon.


Sara said...

Heather - I'm so so so proud of you! You made amazing progress, and when you start up again in 3 weeks, I'll be by your side. xoxoxo

Sarah said...

Woo freakin' HOO, Heather!! Look at those pics. Seriously, just look at them! You have transformed yourself in 3 short months. I know, I know, you say you're not done, I get it. But I truly hope that, here on day 90, you're giving yourself tons of credit for all the hard work you've put in and the changes you've made. I, for one, couldn't be prouder or happier for you! Definitely take that break - you have EARNED it!

Oh, and when can we celebrate???

Molly said...

Heather!!! 25 pounds! That's incredible and you lost it the right way. It's been fun to follow along with you. Thanks for all your encouragement the last 90 days. You did great!

Anonymous said...

what an achievement - ur results really something, conrgatulations on 25 pounds. from the beginning i admired ur ability to do pcp as well as working and raising very young children. ur comments kept me going, they certainly put the focus back away from the non important stuff to what really mattered. another 10 pounds is going to be easier for you - u have all the tools u need now to get there. lovely getting to know you and if ur ever on this side of the globe, do give us a shout. love aki xx

Patrick said...

Heather, I have single independently wealthy retired businessmen who get less than 85% of the program right. The fact that you did it with your incredibly full schedule is an act of incredible determination and fortitude. I salute you, you're the real hero in this day and age. Looking great by the way, those last 10 pounds will go real fast once you get back into it. A well earned COMPLETE!

Chris said...

Wow, I can't believe you lost 25 lbs... with a babe in arms, working and all otherthe other obligations. PLUS showing such good humour, grace and willingness to be honest about the challenges... that is phenomenal. You are phenomenal Heather. I can see the structure of your muscles and atheltic build (jealous!) and look forward to the next chapter in your transformation. You can count on my support from afar and who knows maybe one day we can jump together "on holiday" on a dock on the Coast. That would be so cool! Thanks for your amazing support. xo

Scott said...

Heather...frankly you have been an inspiration to me and to many if not all on our team. It was you that inspired me to write the post "Shout out to Mom". There seemed to be many moms in the Project and my thoughts were with all of them but you were the inspiration that made me wanna write to all the moms. 25lbs is so very cool. Thank you for helping me. It would be a treat to meet you one day. Best wishes with PCP Part II.

Richard said...

Hey Heather - I am with you in keeping this going and wanting more. Those before/after photos are just amazing: good for you - what an amazing transformation. I said this in an earlier blog but absolutely no idea how you balanced a family and PCP: you certainly succeeded big time - hats off to you. It was a pleasure doing this program with you and thank you so much for your very kind comments on my blogs: you really got me through some less than positive days - thank you! Keep it up Heather.