Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 89 Anxiously Awaiting the Drum Roll

Well, I have to admit, although I have been completely faithful to Patrick when I agreed to stop weighing myself somewhere around day 50, I am so ready to see what that darn scale says tomorrow.  I know, I know.... It's not about the numbers.  But not weighing myself for the past 40 days may have been even more difficult for me than actually doing the PCP.   The good news is, I may have accomplished this mental instability, which is even more important than the physical accomplishment in my world.

So, supersets. Goodbye.  Not again in my maintenance program. Way too hard! Didn't get to the 'vomit zone' like some of you, but I see what you mean.  I love all abs now.  And I love how Chad's 8MA are too easy! Did I just say that?

Day 90: I'm ready for you.  But Day 180 is next.


Molly said...

I would never have guessed at day 90 we would have said 8 min abs were too easy!

Anonymous said...

haha yeh 8ma not as satisfying like when u reach failure on v sits! chad will still be my hero but i know what has to be done for that real pain!

Scott said...

Heather...I am waking up this morning still feeling the Congratulations to you on this...Day 90. What you thought at one point to be impossible is now in the rear view mirror. This is not the end but instead a new beginning. Go conquer it! Awesome job Heather...simply awesome!