Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 85 Sunshine

It's amazing what a little sun does to your mental health.  Finally, some warm weather. I opted to jog for 30minutes today rather than jump.  Like most of you, I have a love/hate relationship with Mr. Nike Speedrope.
So I got home after my jog (feeling great) and both kids were screaming their heads off, so I locked myself in the basement for 8MA.  Unfortunately my daughter's newly acquired splinter got in the way of strength training, once again.

Diet was not bad today.  Like Molly's Cadbury egg, I've been staring at 2 boxes of girl scout cookies for 1 month now. 85 days ago, I would have eaten half a box. Now, high fructose corn syrup... YUCK. (I wouldn't have even let them in the house, but our neighbor was selling them, and I had to support her).

5 more days gang...


Patrick said...

If you're missing the strength training consistently cut 30-50 grams carbs from your diet.

Anonymous said...

yeh sunny weather does lighten things up eh?

Molly said...

Here's to Cadbury eggs & Girl Scout Cookies --- nah --- no thanks.

Chris said...

I passed on buying the Girl Guide cookies completely, "Sorry, I can't buy those because I don't eat sugar." The little girl looked confused. Her mom looked mad. I know, I'm mean.