Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 84 Remiss

Well, I sat down on my couch last night at 7:30pm for the first time all day, and I thought to myself, "I will just sit and rest for 15minutes and then I will do my workout and blog."  Well, the next thing I knew it was 9pm and my husband was walking in the door from work. I was toast at that point and went straight to bed. No workout, no blog.  I guess sleep has it's priority sometimes.

Today I made PCP a priority and came home from work 1 hour early to get the jumps and blog in. Wow, less than a week to go.  I can't believe it...


Molly said...

Yep, hard to take in how fast it's gone!

Patrick said...

If you're spontaneously falling asleep it means you need sleep more than training at this time!

Scott said...

Hey Heather...wake up from that sleep (that you must have really needed) and finish strong! Our (healthy) lives are depending on it!!

Chris said...

Way to get the jumps in. I find those most difficult... Keep posting, keep plugging. We're with ya!