Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 86 Headache

I woke up this morning with a splitting headache.  I don't normally get them, but I'd have to attribute it to the cumulative lack of sleep that I have not been getting.  Since I love to run and it's the weekend, I opted for the jog again today.  Sadly, my body felt great, but my head killed the entire 30 minutes.  I pushed through it and thought I could probably go for 1hr if my head wasn't killing me.  Finished with 8MA (no longer watch the video, use my ironman watch to count down 45seconds and go straight through the routine by memory).

Any way, I plan on doing supersets tonight after the kids go down. Wish me luck.

Great day to all my PCP friends.


Chris said...

I found the superset workout to go quite quickly, so hopefully you can fit it in. Mostly hope your headache goes away......... very good of you to just run through it.

Molly said...

Running with a headache -- you're good. I always get headaches when I'm low on sleep. Have fun with the supersets! :)

Sarah said...

SUPER. SETS. Don't miss out on this unique experience. Seriously. JFD, girl!!

Richard said...
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Richard said...

Hey Heather - are your headaches dehydration? I used to have this problem - although with our vege diet it should be OK. Anyway - try a bottle of water??

Either way- you are doing this brilliantly with kids and a family.

I was saying to a friend yesterday who may take up PCP that ideally for PCP you need to be in a bubble and have all the time in the world.. (well that world doesn't exist) so hat off to you in getting it all done and raising a family.

Super-sets are torture but as Chris said - efficient.

You keep it up there - almost there. Giddy up!

Anonymous said...

good luck they are tough but its true, i feel they go faster too. x

Patrick said...

Getting up and doing it despite having the best excuses of any of the PCPers is a great accomplishment. Will of STEEL>

George said...

Good job Heather. Hope your headaches go away, those are not fun. As Chris says, the supersets just fly by in terms of time so give them a go. The burn is intense as well. Nearly at the finish line. You can do it!