Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 81 Home with kids and not great eating

I can't seem to win over these Tues/Thursday home with kids days.  I will have to continue to work on this well after the PCP is over.  I just can't stay out of the kitchen. Handful of cereal here, raisins there... Ughhh I'm so weak sometimes.

Anyhow, did 21 minutes of jumping while my wee one took his mid day nap and I poisoned my 4 year old with 'preschool' television. 8MA is so much easier than it ever was.  I now don't even have to put it on.  I know all the exercises in their order and I know that it takes me 25 repetitions of each to reach 45 seconds so I just do it myself.  Although I do miss Chad.

I am going to stick to the diet to the tee tomorrow.  Hey, there's always tomorrow right? Getting a bit sentimental about next Thursday....


Molly said...

I'm with ya about next Thursday...

Patrick said...

Identify your weak days and as soon as you wake up make a commitment to get them right. For me it's Mondays.

Helen said...

Keep it going! Your great organizational skills are surely going to keep you peaky after next Thursday.

Chris said...

you fierce mamas are the bomb... just take it day by day and tackle one challenge at a time. i have banned all snacks from my vicinity. even the dog biscuits (and yes, I have).

Chris said...

just to clarify, they're like home made with real cheddar. I'm not a savage...

Anonymous said...

hahaha i dont get tempted w my cat snacks but i hear ya - on wanting to hav a bit of raisins or nuts here and there.. yeh 8ma is not the same without chad eh? x