Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 79 Pledge

I've been in the PCP funk for quite some time now.  Mostly due to lack of sleep.  In the past 5 days I've estimated I've slept somewhere between 20-25 total hours.  My little guy is finally getting better so I pray for at least 6 hours sleep tonight.  Therefore I will make this short.

After reading Patrick's last email. I pledge to blog every day for the remaining 10 days left.

This weekend, jogged instead of jumped. 8MA every day, no resistance training.  Will try to do everything for the next 10 days.  Diet: not perfect, but not bad.


Patrick said...

Yes, finish strong, no regrets!

Anonymous said...

good to hear ur doin ok with the very little sleep of late - 10 more days to go! here w u every stept to the finish xx

Molly said...

Keep going --- you've almost made it!

Chris said...

I would love to read your posts every day Heather if you can manage it, yes please! Oh my, that is not very much sleep. I am glad to hear your wee one is feeling better. Keep rocking on!