Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 80 Took me 80 days

Tonight I shortened my rope.  I can't believe how much easier the jumping went.  Not that 21 minutes is easy at all.  I actually sweat more than I ever had so far.  But really, did it take me 80 days to realize this? Somebody shoot me...

Anyhow, no dice on more sleep last night. Wyatt up at 10:30pm, 12:15pm, 2am, and 5am for the day. No fever this time, just a whole bunch of teeth coming in.

Diet was ok today. Did jumps and 8MA only, gotta get some sleep.

I can't believe this is almost over.  In some ways I am dreaming about a cheeseburger, but in others I wish it were 180 days.

xo my friends


Patrick said...

The rope should just clear your head by a few inches. If it makes you feel any better jumping with a longer rope burns more calories!

Molly said...

I shortened mine too short just before PCP and had to give it to my daughter and buy another one...the length does make a difference.

Richard said...

Same same here - I shortened my rope too much and could not use it.. one I have now I feel is too long but not going to touch it. The stiff body pose and distant focus makes an amazing difference (in not tripping, etc). Keep it up Heather - this is not easy stuff but you're getting there.