Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 87 Naptime Workout

Firstly, thanks for all the nice comments and concerns on my last 'Headache' entry.  It has gotten better, but for some reason every morning I wake up with one.  Richard - I drink lots of water since I'm still a momma cow to my little one, so I know it's not dehydration. 2 advil help it a great deal.

It's been a while since my little guy cooperated and napped while my older one was at school so that I could get the whole workout in.  Today he was in a cooperative mood I guess.  The 18 minutes of jumping isn't that bad, just boring at this point.  The rest was quite difficult as most of you also said.

I'm very much looking forward to Friday as visions of food keep popping into my head, like... What will the first non-PCP food be that I put into my mouth? Things that I used to love like cheeseburgers and fries no longer seem appealing.  But CHOCOLATE CAKE does! Maybe I'll ask my PCP best bud Sara to make me an 'all natural' one????

3 more days guys...


Molly said...

3 more days ---- you can taste it now!

Patrick said...

Chocolate cake sounds like a good choice!

Chris said...

Awesome getting the whole thing in and killing the supersets. Oh yes, chocolate cake sounds good... but I am totally having a beer with that (even if it is 8 in the morning).

Anonymous said...

sounds good to me! choco cake :) ah, i was gonna say and wine, with the cake but beer works too! i wont complain! x