Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 90 Not the End

For me it's certainly not the end, but somewhere near the middle I suppose.  I acknowledge my accomplishments but also have the strong realization that I have some more work to do.
Day 1 Front/Back Side   Day 90 Front/Back Side

All in all I have lost about 25 lbs.  I still have 10 more to lose in order to get down to the weight I was pre-children.  I'm determined.  I will take three weeks off from the intense exercising and strict diet, and return to PCP protocol sometime in May.  If the blog is still up, I will continue to post. Your comments are always welcome.

Going into this I certainly had my doubts.  My PCP friends Sara and Sarah knew this very well.  I was told to let go of all fitness/health knowledge and let Patrick's plan do the work.  As difficult as this was to do, I estimate I let go around 85%.  And it wasn't 100% because I didn't believe in the program more than my family/work obligations didn't allow me to follow it to the tee.

I want to make one point clear: I applaud Patrick for his work.  I have been in the health/fitness industry for almost 15 years.  His innovative idea of coupling technology with basic nutrition and exercise prescription is one of a kind.  The 'transparency' of having a group of people from near and far to follow you day in and out is ingenious.  In addition, the exercise prescription is perfect for a broad span of people.  From the traveling businessman to the busy working mom, the jump rope does what it needs to do in the shortest amount of time.  Well done, Patrick, I hope your project takes you as far as it has all the many people you have given a new life to.

Lastly, thank you Sara and Sarah for your friendship and support.  And to my team Praxis:  I will miss reading about your lives and I will miss your encouragement.  Stay the course as long as you shall be on this planet and may we meet again one day soon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 89 Anxiously Awaiting the Drum Roll

Well, I have to admit, although I have been completely faithful to Patrick when I agreed to stop weighing myself somewhere around day 50, I am so ready to see what that darn scale says tomorrow.  I know, I know.... It's not about the numbers.  But not weighing myself for the past 40 days may have been even more difficult for me than actually doing the PCP.   The good news is, I may have accomplished this mental instability, which is even more important than the physical accomplishment in my world.

So, supersets. Goodbye.  Not again in my maintenance program. Way too hard! Didn't get to the 'vomit zone' like some of you, but I see what you mean.  I love all abs now.  And I love how Chad's 8MA are too easy! Did I just say that?

Day 90: I'm ready for you.  But Day 180 is next.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 88 Sentimental

With only 2 more days left of this thing I'm feeling sentimental.  Could I still be hormonal from giving birth 9 months ago?..... Nahhhh.  I guess I just have a love for the PCP.  Did I just say that? Sara and Sarah will fall over if they ever read this.

Anyway, 18 minutes flew today, but supersets... Ouch.  I do love biceps/triceps as well as chest/back (pull downs/ovations). But pull ups/chest dips and v-sit/planks can go to hell.... They just suck. Arnold can have them back.

For some reason I've been walking around in my underwear lately... Any one else?

Day 89: bring it on (although I peeked and I do not like it already)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 87 Naptime Workout

Firstly, thanks for all the nice comments and concerns on my last 'Headache' entry.  It has gotten better, but for some reason every morning I wake up with one.  Richard - I drink lots of water since I'm still a momma cow to my little one, so I know it's not dehydration. 2 advil help it a great deal.

It's been a while since my little guy cooperated and napped while my older one was at school so that I could get the whole workout in.  Today he was in a cooperative mood I guess.  The 18 minutes of jumping isn't that bad, just boring at this point.  The rest was quite difficult as most of you also said.

I'm very much looking forward to Friday as visions of food keep popping into my head, like... What will the first non-PCP food be that I put into my mouth? Things that I used to love like cheeseburgers and fries no longer seem appealing.  But CHOCOLATE CAKE does! Maybe I'll ask my PCP best bud Sara to make me an 'all natural' one????

3 more days guys...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 86 Headache

I woke up this morning with a splitting headache.  I don't normally get them, but I'd have to attribute it to the cumulative lack of sleep that I have not been getting.  Since I love to run and it's the weekend, I opted for the jog again today.  Sadly, my body felt great, but my head killed the entire 30 minutes.  I pushed through it and thought I could probably go for 1hr if my head wasn't killing me.  Finished with 8MA (no longer watch the video, use my ironman watch to count down 45seconds and go straight through the routine by memory).

Any way, I plan on doing supersets tonight after the kids go down. Wish me luck.

Great day to all my PCP friends.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 85 Sunshine

It's amazing what a little sun does to your mental health.  Finally, some warm weather. I opted to jog for 30minutes today rather than jump.  Like most of you, I have a love/hate relationship with Mr. Nike Speedrope.
So I got home after my jog (feeling great) and both kids were screaming their heads off, so I locked myself in the basement for 8MA.  Unfortunately my daughter's newly acquired splinter got in the way of strength training, once again.

Diet was not bad today.  Like Molly's Cadbury egg, I've been staring at 2 boxes of girl scout cookies for 1 month now. 85 days ago, I would have eaten half a box. Now, high fructose corn syrup... YUCK. (I wouldn't have even let them in the house, but our neighbor was selling them, and I had to support her).

5 more days gang...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 84 Remiss

Well, I sat down on my couch last night at 7:30pm for the first time all day, and I thought to myself, "I will just sit and rest for 15minutes and then I will do my workout and blog."  Well, the next thing I knew it was 9pm and my husband was walking in the door from work. I was toast at that point and went straight to bed. No workout, no blog.  I guess sleep has it's priority sometimes.

Today I made PCP a priority and came home from work 1 hour early to get the jumps and blog in. Wow, less than a week to go.  I can't believe it...