Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 45 Half way there and more than half way to go

Well, like a lot of you, this is a bitter sweet moment for me.  I am proud of my accomplishments thus far, however I am not yet half way to my goal and here we are half way through the PCP.  So, once again, I will just acknowledge the fact that my PCP will go on beyond the 90 days.  I suppose this is what it is all about any way.

Some new events:
- I have a shin splint in my right leg.  (Haven't had one of these in years.)
- Body aches all over today
- Timing jump ropes are getting better.  I see my endurance improving already a bit.
- Forget about completing all those lunges
- And katanas after dips? You kidding me?
- Did 4 minute abs today. Body just quit.
- Looking forward to going out for a run once the weather warms up to see how my body does.
- I feel a new surge of energy to keep it strict again since we are at day 45 and I can't help but feel like a student again in school with the exam count down... 45 more days until the big day.  I don't want to let down.

Another HUGE thing that went on in my house:  Sitting next to me on the couch last night, my husband said he may be interested in doing the PCP in a month or two.  I really don't believe he will ever do it.  But the fact that those words came out of his mouth totally shocked me.  For one, giving up beer (even for 90 days) has never been on his agenda.

Will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

think mine will also extend further than our 90 days course. but lets not forget we may still be at the plateau and the last few weeks may be accelerated in terms of showing visible changes!

Chris said...

You should be really proud Heather... and you've inspired me to follow the rules 100% to day 90. Let's finish strong. I believe in you!

George said...

That is great, Heather. Stick with it and you will reach your goals. And your husband will, too.

Patrick said...

This is how you convince people to change, by living it. Do the jumps hurt your shin splint?