Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 18 Another Snow Day But More Will Power

Once again, school canceled.  Home with the kids all day.  But this time my will power and I were friends.  I kept thinking about my recent weight loss and looking at the photo I keep on my refrigerator (The one I posted on Day 1 blog - pre-kids photo).  
I've been doing the workouts either first thing in the morning or as soon as the baby goes down for his morning nap.  Mornings are definitely better.  More energy, stronger work out.
Thank you again Sara S (last PCP) for making PCP friendly food to munch on during our snow day hang out today.  (Killer sweet potato chips - no oil/salt - just a handful).  And thank you PCP Andy for making me feel like I'm not the only monkey hanging around on the 'chin up' bar...

1 comment:

Andy said...

Very glad my incompetence has at least had a benefit in that it entertained you.

I have been regularly enjoying fruit smoothies, by the way. Blackberries, blueberries and/or strawberries with the bananas. Thanks for the original tip.