Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 42 Success then Crash

Well, I almost had a perfect PCP day.  Then a small beautiful 3 foot monster asked me to make cookies to bring to grandma's house tomorrow to help her feel better.  (My mother has bacterial pneumonia. We are going to see her tomorrow).  So we made the most delicious chocolate chip cookies on earth (well, not really, but when on the PCP, anything with sugar is the most delicious thing on earth). I was doing fine until it was time to scrape them off the cookie tray.  In my state of delirium, I forgot to grease the trays (probably because I have been so trained not to use butter), so all the cookies stuck like glue to them. I created more crumbs then whole cookies.  And wouldn't you know I just had to eat the crumbs off the counter top.  The only problem is, I must have eaten enough crumbs to make at least one whole cookie.  Oh well, back to square one.

On a better note; I came home from work a bit early to get my 1500 in.  Rocked it out in less than 10 minutes.  And then I had a date with uni-tard man.  It's been 5 straight days I've done the video.  Proud of myself for that.

I'll end with a few PCP thoughts that have been floating in my brain as of lately:
  • Did any one else notice all the Easter candy out on the shelves now? I MUST NOT GIVE IN...
  • I've been passing my old pizza and deli joints thinking, "Wow, I can't believe I haven't walked in there in over 40 days!" 
  • What exactly will I look like on day 90? Will I be happy with the results?
  • Wow, this food prep is exhausting.  I can't order take-out with my husband any more so I'm even making dinner for him every night, which adds to the exhaustion.
  • Will I ever love to eat vegetables?
  • I miss salad dressing, but balsamic vinegar feels like it keeps me from getting sinus infections.
  • I also miss a sweet breakfast.  
  • When feeding my kids sugary yogurt or oatmeal in the morning, I'm wondering when I'll be putting out veggies for them as well.
  • I need to find the inner strength I had the first 3 weeks to get me through the second half of this thing.
  • I am grateful for all my fellow PCPer's for their ongoing support through blog comments.  I am already missing them come day 90.


Anonymous said...

yeah prepping for food and cleaning kitchen is something i am doing A LOT these days.... i hope grandma feels better with those choc chip cookies im sure she will!

Sean said...

I hope grandma feels better too. Pneumonia is part of what got me on PCP in the first place.

Sean said...

Oh, and Heather, I commend you on blogging honestly about the cookie crumbs. It seems small, but sharing this with others on the PCP will give them strength to avoid temptation and give you even more strength the next time you face the cookie monster. It was Japanese karokes that got me.

You're not back at square one. Just remember how much it sucks to blog about slips like this and use that memory to keep you from slipping again.

Brian said...

1500 in 10 minutes? Damn!

Richard said...

Hey Heather - a lot of those comments bring up similar thoughts: you are absolutely not alone. Funny comment on the balsalmic. Hope Grandma feels better. Keep it up - we are all only human and what you're going through is being echoed by us all. I am the same regarding Day 90. In some ways glad we are yet only half way. Totally same feeling about passing a pizza place I used to call home. Keep it up Heather.

Dottie said...

keep thinking positive.... you only had the crumbs instead of whole cookies!!! isnt that an improvement.... by the end of this I am sure you wont be cheating at all--- stay strong- fight it and make sure you have fruit around you for your sugar fix!
Thanks for sharing the green pants- lookin good!