Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 38 Another SNOW DAY - and ohhhh those cravings!

Are you kidding me? Those that live in the northeast U.S. know what I'm talking about.  I woke up this morning to this:

That's our backyard looking out from the deck.  Our sitter came 2 hours late so nothing else to do but get the kiddies dressed and play in the snow.
My legs were killing me today after this weekends and today's workout.  Walking in the snow was even difficult.  And ohhhhh, those cravings. I'm so glad it's not only me and others are having them as well.  Trying to stay strong. It's not easy but must keep finish line in mind. 


Sarah said...
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Anonymous said...

aww cute outfits!.. wow havent seen snow like that in years.. wherebouts are you?

Chris said...

you are such a great mom! i have fond memories of snow days... stay strong against the cravings... you are doing just amazing so far and i know you will finish super strong.

Richard said...

Wow - that snow looks incredible. When it snows here in Tokyo - it is not cold enough (so far) for it to gather.. just wet slush. Surely you burnt some calories playing in the snow.

With our new diets this week I am finding I am constantly hungry which I guess is something to endure as my stomach yet again shrinks.

Keep it up: totally impressed you can care for your family and do this program. Not easy but keep it up!