Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 29 Weight Loss Success

SORRY PATRICK... What can I say? I just had to do it. I got on the scale even though Patrick asked me not to.  It's kind of a disease. My female teammates know exactly what I'm talking about.  Anyway, 4 more pounds down (1.81 kg).  Total of 14.  Good riddance.  Good bye.  Never to see you again, thank you.

Well, the day has just begun around here.  I just wanted to post my Day 29 photos and share the good news.  Tonight... INDULGENCE. Now I definitely won't eat the whole container of ice cream.  Just my 200-400 calorie allowance.  (However much that may be). Will keep you posted.

Best of luck to my PCP buddies.


Molly said...

Woo hoo!

Patrick said...

Every few weeks a trip to the scale is fine. It's the daily check ins that make people crazy.