Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17 Long Day and Pull Up Defeat

This is the type of day that I dread.  No time to work out in the a.m. because the kids woke too early.  Then off to work (no lunch break to work out in).  I rushed home to squeeze in the 850 jumps before our nanny left for the day (she thinks I'm crazing for jumping rope. She's from Peru and makes eggs as a side for any dish and cooks with a lot of butter).  Any way, I had to wait until the kids were asleep to finish the resistance training this evening at 8:30pm.

Now, I don't know if it was just because I am completely exhausted but I couldn't even do ONE measly pull up!  I recently did at least one at my friend Sara's house just prior to the start of the PCP when I was checking out her pull up bar.  I feel defeated.

Well I guess the good news is that I've been keeping to the diet even though the last piece of coffee cake has been sitting on my kitchen counter since yesterday when our guests brought it over. It actually talks to me.  I hope it is gone by tomorrow (by someone else that is).


Patrick said...

Pull ups are supposed to be hard. Persevere and switch to inclines when you fail them out.

Geordie said...

Heather, pull-ups are seriously tough! You're not the only one struggling, believe me!

Molly said...

I haven't even tried a pull up yet because I so struggle with the incline pull don't fee too bad.

Andy said...

pull-up? I thought Patrick just put that on the list now for laughs. The bar hangs over our door mockingly, and for fun, I can hang on it too, like a monkey.