Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6 Success

Today I jumped on a high quality exercise mat and the back pain I was having was 95% decreased.  Just goes to show what age does to those vertebral discs.
Any way, noticed cardiovascular improvement along with the decreased pain.  Making 60 jumps now without a trip.  Legs were overall less sore, and I can carry the baby up the stairs again.
Diet also went well today.  Overall, eating a lot healthier.  Sneaked in 2 handfuls of chocolate cheerios though after dinner.  Sweet cravings, ughhhh, my demon.

Oh, I also indulged in a great 'PCP' recipe my buddy Sara S. from last PCP taught me for a mid afternoon snack:
1 cup lowfat milk
1 frozen banana
splash of vanilla (or almond) extract
3-4 crushed ice cubes

Mix all in blender and wha-la; yummy smoothie - enjoy!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Oh my goodness that smoothie sounds yummy (although when I first read it I thought it said "splash of vodka!") So glad that your back is better. You go!