Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 7 Last Supper

Ok, so today I must confess, I ate my two favorite 'unhealthy' foods: pizza and a chocolate chip cookie.  I didn't have half.  I was hungry by lunch time (b/c I had only half a bowl of cheerios) and I ordered my usual one slice of plain pizza at work.  I didn't eat half, I was too hungry and after all, I am still nursing Wyatt.  After lunch I went to my favorite coffee shop and got a chocolate chip cookie.  I thought, this is the last cookie I will have for another 83 days. 

I did the jump roping and again the back pain was improved.  I also am improving my cardiovascular endurance; more jumps and longer stretches.

I'm both excited and nervous about tomorrow and the next 83 days.  (Need to get to the market ASAP and buy more veggies, fruit and eggs!) 


Patrick said...

You're going to do great Heather!

Sean said...

Hi Heather, I'm a former PCPer. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog from time to time. I wish you all the best in your program.

Right now, you feel like this indulgence was some kind of last supper. That you are saying goodbye to old friends. But, when the PCP is over, you're going to realize you weren't leaving something behind. You were breaking free.

Heather said...

Thanks Patrick and Sean.

I have no problem Sean, of you following my blog, and thank you for your words of wisdom.