Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 44 Body Soreness

After a day of chest and shoulders my jump roping just totally sucks.  My shoulders kill so much that even when I merely use my wrists to rotate the rope, my shoulders burn.  My legs are also still sore from yesterdays workout so I'm tripping up all over the place.  Yes, I know, this is a good thing.

More PCP thoughts floating around my brain:
  • Going up an down our flights of stairs a million times a day to play servant to our kids seems a lot easier with this new leg muscle I've put on.
  • Also, going to the bathroom in public restrooms is a lot easier too thanks to 4x20 squats (ladies, you know what I mean). Sorry if this offends any body.
  • I'm missing my favorite condiment: ketchup
  • I think I'm using a little too much honey in my tea and yogurt to fool myself into thinking, "Patrick said, a little bit is ok."  One jar has vanished since the start of this PCP
  • What!!!#$% Milk and yogurt are supposed to be our fats??? I've been drinking skim milk and eating 0% fat yogurt this whole time... Did I miss an earlier email or something? It's like maintaining abstinence from the start of the program because you thought Patrick said so, but then on Day 43 you get an email saying it was ok all along. Ahhhhhhhh
Night night guys.


Molly said...

Hey --- I've been drinking skim milk and nonfat yogurt also, so this same thought went through my head after watching the video?!

George said...

Hi, pretty sure he means low fat milk, yogurt. In the beginning he said all references to milk and yogurt, which are interchangeable, are to low fat. Nothing has changed.

Patrick said...

Low fat not non fat dairy. You're fine.

Anonymous said...

its great when some things suddenly seems easier right? i love being able to walk up the hill to our apsrtment entrance without losing my breath!! ur doing great :)