Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 43 Patrick is on something

I think Patrick has had a little too much ginger on his veggies...  2minute sets x 7 reps of jumping??? Something was terribly wrong with the way I have been jumping rope then for the past 41 days.  My friend Sara S. from last PCP did say I jump really fast (which I thought was more of a forced compliment).  But now that I have 'tried' to do this 'new' type of jumping, I think she was right.  I could barely get through each set of 2 minutes.  I have been jumping so fast for the last 4 weeks, my endurance really didn't get pushed because by the time 1 minute and a half was up, I'm now realizing I got through almost 200 jumps, and then I would take a quick 20 second rest.  Now, I've slowed down my pace drastically, to almost 50 jumps per 30 seconds and I'm sucking wind big time... UGHHHHH

Then, there was the strength training.  Floor jumps AND lunges after 14 minutes of jumping? By the time I made it to the Plank I was shaking all over.  Now I use an online stopwatch: to better calculate things. And boy was I counting seconds fast when doing the Plank before.

Happy to report that I had my 6th date with the 8 minute ab guy again.  I figured why not torture myself some more?

Oh, and no weight loss this week. But this one's for Patrick...... I DON'T CARE!  My body is changing and I see it.   I also know that I have to shut my trap for the next 40 days and only eat my PCP food.  I am on a better wavelength today and I am focusing on this very topic now.

Gotta run to grandma's house to deliver those cookies.  Week 6 photos will go up tomorrow.
Almost half way there gang!


Molly said...

Heather --- this is a fun and funny post! I think you are the queen of jump rope with the current PCPer's.

Patrick said...

Took a while but sounds like you've got your thinking right about weight at last!

Jumprope is pretty foolproof. Just jump however you like for the time prescribed and you'll get the results.

Anonymous said...

hear u on the shakin all over feeling. doing great heather!

Chris said...

you speed demon, i love it.