Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 40 Goodbye Watermelon

Ok, most of you would probably not wear bright green pants.  But you see, I work with children.  And mostly children with disabilities.  I do anything to brighten their day.  And the little ones LOVE the green pants for some reason.  But you can't go around wearing green pants if your arse is as large as a watermelon.  Well... for the first time today since I got pregnant with #2 (October 2009) my body fit into those green pants with a little room to spare.

Otherwise, trying to get my workouts done first thing in the morning. Also trying to get the 8 minute abs in.  I have to admit, I'm not doing the pistol squats.  I substitute them with regular squats  4 x 20reps.  My knees are a little shot from years of soccer and marathon running.  I can't afford an injury any more.

Diet was better today.  I'm trying to regain focus here.  I'm nervous that this weeks' photo won't show change.  I want to reach day 90 feeling like huge strides have been made.

Well, here's to green pants and happy children. Keep strong y'all.


Molly said...

Yeah for green pants! :) Cute.

Andy said...

But we don't get to SEE the green pants? Photo! Photo!

Anonymous said...

haha, cute green pants! im confident there would be a big diff by the end of it heather :)

Dottie said...

congrats on making it into old clothes-- hope it keeps ya going... and its only the beginning :) I agree with Andy- photo! photo! photo!

George said...

I think this makes 5 votes for green pants in this week's photo? Keep it up, Heather! You're doing great! It makes me feel silly for complaining about how tough it is to fit all the PCP stuff in when in reality I've got far less to juggle than you do. You're an inspiration to all of us. :)

Heather said...

Wow! Didn't realize I have such fan club. THANKS GUYS! It's really great to have all the support. Picture to follow, promise.