Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 39 Diet is getting difficult

I don't like the way I feel today.  PCP diet is not agreeing with me, again.  Don't know why it is so hard for me to stick to the diet on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I am home with the kids.  I HAVE TO MAKE IT A PRIORITY. I have to keep telling myself this.

Woke up this morning and did the jump ropes before breakfast. Had my PCP breakfast and made it to just before lunch.  We were at a friend's for a play date and the kids were snacking on pretzels.  It seems as though I am really craving carbs.  So I gave in and had about 4-5 small pretzel sticks.  I was pissed over that.

Then home midday for Wyatt's marathon nap.  Had my PCP lunch, but for some reason, really craved cheese.  I weakened and had 2 slices of my daughters 'organic' cheese.

I wish I had more will power on these days.  I have to dig deep and figure this out some how.

On a more positive note, I've managed to do the 8 minute abs video 2 days in a row.  That video rocks. No really, if we all did that video even every other day for the next 50 days I'm certain our abdominals would look amazing.  Now... where to find the time to fit that in as well?


Anonymous said...

awesome squeezing in the 8min abs in ur hectic life! x

Birgit said...

I know how you feel it is really difficult to stick to your diet when you have kids, mine are always saying mummy you are not allowed crisps, chocolate etc. and my oldest even said today, mummy i know why you are not as fit as daddy because he doesn't try to eat our food.... EASY when you are not always confronted with temptations. I will just have now maybe 1 crisp or one bite of cheese and then my craving is satisfied, maybe you can try this. But i am really impressed that you did the abs video.

Molly said...

My kids are old enough that if I "cheated" they would tell my husband and boy would I hear about it! :)

Hang in there....you're doing great.

Chris said...

I nearly clobbered my guy-love for bringing home a bag of chips. This is a chips-free zone, I said. You are doing way better than I would be in your situation... Keep it up! And conrats on the weight loss, that is awesome!