Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 33 Back in Action

I don't know why. Today I felt like a superhero.  I was up 3x last night (as usual, to nurse Wyatt).  Up at 6am with the kiddies to start the day. I saw seven patients between 9am and 3pm.  Ate all my PCP meals and NOTHING else.  Got home at 4pm, fed and bathed the kids, put them to bed and began my PCP workout at 7:30pm.  This alone would have normally killed me since I'm so much more a morning exercise person.  But for some unknown reason I cooked through the exercises and felt great.  (Well, not the leg exercises).

Below is a photo of a 'sawhorse'.  My friend Sara (from last PCP) loaned it to me.  It's perfect for those incline pull-ups.  Since I still can't do one full pull up, inclines have become my friend, or my enemy. I'm not sure yet.  I highly recommend you guys build one of these babies if you're still having a hard time finding a place to do the inclines.  It's just 5 pieces of wood. (Yes, that's me. The other night.  Outside in 30 degrees.  I'm wearing my husbands gloves so I don't get a splinter.) I guess I'm really not a superhero after all.


Geordie said...

It looks pretty cold there...

Richard said...

Heather - an absolute wow in what you are doing. Good on you for keeping this all front and centre even though your day is so hectic. Very impressed: keep it up.

Best wishes from Tokyo, Richard

David said...

Hardcore! Outside, snow on the ground doing pull ups. Great work Heather- from the mild and sunny UAE that looks amazing, nevermind the everyday achievement of doing everything else and the PCP- fantastic.

Sarah said...

Badass! Heather, you are MY superhero!! xoxo

Juan said...

Superhero or not, it was an epic day with a dramatic ending. I just thought about James Joyce. Ullyses could just as well be a former PCPeer.

Molly said...

AWESOME! Love the setup too! :)