Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 32 Sick

Well, I came down with a bad cold of some sorts yesterday morning.  Endless sneezing and congestion.  The likelihood of one coming down with something in 90 days is very high especially here in the northeast snow country.  I do not blame it on the PCP.  Likely to happen any way.

Needless to say, no post yesterday because it was a difficult day. Felt crappy all day, but ran home at lunch time to get my 1300 in.  Back to work all day feeling worse. Kiddies in bed by 7pm  then off to my buddy Sara's to gossip and attempt the remainder of the exercises. Managed to get 90% of them finished while she tore her whole house apart looking for her light weight resistance band.  Katana's are impossible with a medium band. Leg ups are stronger, plank is still good. Curls make me feel like Popeye.

On the diet front, I have to say I don't feel like eating ANYthing.  It is probably due to this bug I have. I will try and eat my allotment today, but it is unlikely since I feel worse.  Also, haven't done today's exercises yet, but will try and at least get the jumping and abs in.  (Maybe I'll try the 8 minute abs with spandex muscle-head man and porno music video).


Unknown said...

Hope that you feel better Heather. Believe it or not, it's pretty chilly in Hong Kong this week as well...!

Chris said...

Oh dear, not the dreaded winter cold! Way to stick with it Heather... (I am a totally useless when sick). Good luck and be sure to take good care of yourself. We need your peak energy and enthusiasm around here!

Molly said...

Hope you are feeling better today!

Sean said...

Ha! I wasn't a big fan of the guy on the 8 min abs video either, but his exercises work. As for your cold, I hope you get well soon. The good news is, the body uses fat to combat that cold. In a pervese way, getting sick on the PCP helps the fat leave faster. Just don't let it knock you off the PCP path!

Stay awesome, Heather.

Dottie said...

Stay strong girl and fight this thing- keep fueling your body!!