Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 28 Jump Roping Rock Star

Well, the title of this post is a bit sarcastic, but I do feel as if I should be in some jump roping contest by now.  I haven't jumped rope this much in my life.  Today I ran home in between work to get the jump roping in.  Just for my own competitive being, I've been pushing how long it takes me to get to 1000 from the start of the PCP.  Today was a record.  Just under 10 minutes to get to 1000. And then another 5 minutes to complete the 1300.  I don't know if everyone else is already going this fast or am I just a freak of nature; an out of shape mom who can jump rope really fast? Ha. (or at least it seems fast to me) I'm sure you guys have already hit this number (except Andy, who has told me otherwise, but I really can't tell if he is being sarcastic, his comments are always so funny).

Did well on the diet front today, although it is only 5pm here.  But Friday nights are family nights so I figure I'd better get this post in now.

I stopped off at the grocery store on my way home from work and bought my INDULGENCE...drum roll please...  Haagan Daaz Java Chip.  The devil made this.  Straight from hell.  I'll be calculating my caloric limit in ounces and consuming (probably) every last bite tomorrow evening.  Can't wait....  Week 4 photos tomorrow (before the indulgence of course).  Stay tuned, I'll let you know how the indulgence effects me.  With my luck, it won't at all, and I'll start craving it again.  Interested to see if Patrick's experiment works on me.

I got the new diet and exercise prescription for this upcoming week.  I feel a little guilty since I seem to be one of the few allowed to eat a somewhat 'normal' dinner.  No apple/banana dinner here.  I suspect that has to do with nursing the babe, but I kinda wish I got the apple/banana dinner so this weight would come off faster, oh well.

Good luck everyone.  Weekends are usually tough.  At least around here.


Molly said...

Hang in there and enjoy your indulgence!

Andy said...

What number did I say I hit? No sarcasm at all here: I find I can jump VERY fast now as well, but I couldn't get to 1000 in as short as 10 mins. The reason is that I am still resting every few hundred, so I'm eating up the time NOT jumping in 20 second chunks. I'm sure my total time actually jumping is a fast pace though.

Gigi. said...

i am fully nursing my 2.5 Month old baby and still got the "1 apple/1 banana, 1 egg white + 200ML milk" for dinner :(. I also had ice cream for my indulgence and it was worth it.