Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 27 Back on Track

Well OK, I'm back! It's 8pm and I haven't deviated from the PCP diet and inch today (well maybe. I licked the knife when making my daughters PB&J sandwhich).  Feel good for it.  Still hungry.  I wonder if hunger is purely mental for me.  I think I may always feel this way if I'm not 'allowed' to eat all that I want to, whenever I want to.  This could get deep and might better be thought out by a psychiatrist.  But I'm not going there.

Exercises: Jumpropes are still going well.  I feel as if I should probably push myself more. I still do sets of 100 and rest 30 seconds in between.  Good workout, but defiinitely not exhausting.
Squats - so much easier than lunges
Rows - love these, as I know that are improving my posture as we speak
Push ups - man, I used to be able to do no-knees push ups, but I still need to put my knees down..weakling
Double katana - nice one Patrick! Another torture position to isolate the triceps
Shoulder fly - not sure exactly where Patrick is going with this one, since the physics of the resistance band don't exactly run on a straight plane in this position.  But I do feel it in my posterior delts (rear shoulders)
V-sits - well, I think this is the exercise that might rid me of my pregnancy belly once and for all; if it doesn't blow out a vertebral disk beforehand...

Love the routine though, really.. Keep it up everyone!


Sarah said...

You're a rock star, Heather! YES!

Scott said...

Nice recap Heather. That katana is a killer. Keep your elbows still? Who's kidding who here? Keep pushing. Keep grinding. If it were easy everyone would be doing it.

Patrick said...

Sounds like your doing shoulder flys right. The door anchor should be just above head high.

Molly said...

"if it doesn't blow out a vertebral disk beforehand"

hahahahaha ---- I echo this one! :)