Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 26 Slacking with Exercise and Diet

Yesterday I was home with the kids all day again.  This is really killing me. We don't keep 'bad' foods in the house, but we certainly don't have all PCP friendly foods either.  I found myself grabbing a handful of raisins here and there yesterday and then a handful of Cheerios.  I know these two foods aren't terrible, but I'm trying to be totally 'transparent' and truthful here.  I am certain it is because I haven't been eating my daily allowance of protein since we are low on food this week and it is time for me to order Fresh Direct again (fresh/organic food delivered to your doorstep; I can kiss whomever created this company).  After this blog, I'm going to order more food right away.

Now, I haven't missed a day of exercise yet, but yesterday was awful.  Up at 5am with my son, and no break or nap to exercise all day.  Husband home at 9pm from work.  I somehow managed to get the jump roping in, but not the resistance exercises.  I hate that I missed it.  I did V-sits tonight and Molly, you were right. THEY KILL!

I am starting fresh again tomorrow.  No more raisins, no more Cheerios.  Be better prepared in my own kitchen.  Eat my allotment of food so I don't have the urge to snack on non-PCP foods.

Here's to a better tomorrow.


Molly said...

Yeah --- I think if you eat what your PCP diet the time you start getting hungry it's time to eat again or close to it!

Hang in there! Keeping the house stocked with PCP food helps also.

Patrick said...

Exactly, just put the sub-par day behind you and get it right tomorrow. Good luck!

Chris said...

I hear you Heather. I am trying not to let anything register that isn't PCP friendly... but it's hard when there is junk around my house like the potato chips going down last night! You have such great self awareness, that is half the battle. Be strong and you will rise above those cheerios!