Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 24 Pissed off Jump Roping

Well today was interesting.  My plan was to get the workout done in the one hour free I had between work and dropping my daughter off at home with the nanny after her school day at noon.  On the way to pick her up from nursery school I was pulled over by a local police officer for talking on my phone.  Now I know we shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving, but I was using speaker phone and was about to put the phone on the dashboard, I was just caught before that happened.  Needless to say after 20 minutes of I don't know what and being late to pick up my daughter, I received a court summons.  Not a ticket, but a summons! Which means I can't just pay the fine, I have to hear it from the judge.

Meanwhile, I was 20 minutes behind when I got home and only had time to do the jump ropes.  I closed our basement door so the minors wouldn't hear and played a song by Cee Lo Green called F**k You.  I did the 1100 jumps in less than 10 minutes.  If only it were that easy every day.

I just finished the resistance half of the program, and I really do not like splitting the routine up.  Let me say OUCH to the Shoulder Press.  I need to find the 'wimpy' level band.  My light/10lb one seems to be too difficult. 7-5-5 was all I got.  Still trying the pull up.  I'm at about 1/4 of the way there.  Does that even count? I do the incline pull ups under our massive oak dining room table that must weigh a ton.  But I'm still afraid I'm going to break the table.  I do love the Plank exercise, but I don't feel it is quite as effective as some of the other abdominal exercises we have been doing.  Looking forward to the V-sits tomorrow.

Diet: So... how many calories in a slice of NY pizza? Something tells me it might be over the 400 calorie allowance.  Then I'm thinking local pub cheeseburger, but that's definitely over 400 calories.  Maybe I'll have half. Or I'll just go for my all time favorite: bakery black and white cookie.  This too may even be close to 400 calories.  I can't believe I used to have them once or twice a week. Ughhhhh

Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading about everyone else's indulgence choices.  Bon appetit!


Sara said...

can I indulge with you?? I ate cake scraps and frosting for my first indulgence. Also bringing home a present for you, a light green resistance bands. You will OWN those shoulder presses in no time!

Chris said...

Way to channel your "energy" Heather. Good for you!

Andy said...

TEN minutes for all those jumps? Maybe I should stop trying to be so surreptitious as I constantly violate the new Massachusetts law against texting while driving.

Patrick said...

Slice of new york pizza = 350 calories! Total win!

Molly said...

Looking forward to V sits? Have you tried them? I just failure for me!

Your indulgence choices are making me hungry and I just ate breakfast.

Dottie said...

What a bad day but way to make it an effective one rather than using it as an excuse- you are making huge progress!!! Keep it up!