Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 21 Improving Endurance

Well, today was one of those days that started out terrible.  It ended with me kicking some jump rope butt, which made me feel a lot better.
My little Wyatt poked me in the eye yesterday, the pain was awful and I could barely see.  I had to work today and squeezed in an eye doctor appointment in between.  Eye drops seem to be improving my vision, but still painful nonetheless.  With all that craziness, jump ropes began at 8:30pm.  I am pleased to announce that jump ropes also ended at 8:45pm.  I could not believe how easily I breezed right through them.  So I did my old abdominal routine afterward in hope to get rid of this post-pregnancy belly once and for all.
Diet going ok.  Haven't gotten in all my vegetable or protein quota this week.  Contrary to what Patrick says, I still have sugar cravings.  The orange juice in my refrigerator calls out to me from time to time as well as the box of chocolate Cheerios in our pantry.   I don't think I'll ever lose those cravings.  But at least I'll be jumping rope like Rocky.


Molly said...


Patrick said...

The cravings will come and go, but mostly go. I promise!

Scott said...

Ouch! But you don't need to see to exercise do you? Well...maybe. Nice job grinding it out.