Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 19 Snow Day Blues

I'm beginning to think all these snow days home with the kids are amounting to the true diet test for me.  I now realize why there are so many stay at home moms suffering from unhealthy lifestyles.
Well its only midday, but I've done well diet-wise and got my workout done early in the a.m. again.  Boy, are those squats and lunges killing me.  But the jump ropes are exactly what my body needs.  Any one else getting sick of eggs? And I know we have a long way to go before they can disappear.


Molly said...

I wish I could eat eggs 3 meals/day! I LOVE EGGS!

Chris said...

I don't mind the eggs but my man practically hurls when he smells them (hard boiled). I feel like a brat for complaining about the Pacific Northwest cold.... when you have so much snow! Sending you warm wishes... Good for you for sticking with it!

Patrick said...

Good luck with that snow!

Sarah said...

HA! Those eggs ain't never going away. However - you guys will surely become masters in how to creatively consume all those eggs!

You're kicking ass, Heather!!