Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 45 Half way there and more than half way to go

Well, like a lot of you, this is a bitter sweet moment for me.  I am proud of my accomplishments thus far, however I am not yet half way to my goal and here we are half way through the PCP.  So, once again, I will just acknowledge the fact that my PCP will go on beyond the 90 days.  I suppose this is what it is all about any way.

Some new events:
- I have a shin splint in my right leg.  (Haven't had one of these in years.)
- Body aches all over today
- Timing jump ropes are getting better.  I see my endurance improving already a bit.
- Forget about completing all those lunges
- And katanas after dips? You kidding me?
- Did 4 minute abs today. Body just quit.
- Looking forward to going out for a run once the weather warms up to see how my body does.
- I feel a new surge of energy to keep it strict again since we are at day 45 and I can't help but feel like a student again in school with the exam count down... 45 more days until the big day.  I don't want to let down.

Another HUGE thing that went on in my house:  Sitting next to me on the couch last night, my husband said he may be interested in doing the PCP in a month or two.  I really don't believe he will ever do it.  But the fact that those words came out of his mouth totally shocked me.  For one, giving up beer (even for 90 days) has never been on his agenda.

Will keep you posted.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 44 Body Soreness

After a day of chest and shoulders my jump roping just totally sucks.  My shoulders kill so much that even when I merely use my wrists to rotate the rope, my shoulders burn.  My legs are also still sore from yesterdays workout so I'm tripping up all over the place.  Yes, I know, this is a good thing.

More PCP thoughts floating around my brain:
  • Going up an down our flights of stairs a million times a day to play servant to our kids seems a lot easier with this new leg muscle I've put on.
  • Also, going to the bathroom in public restrooms is a lot easier too thanks to 4x20 squats (ladies, you know what I mean). Sorry if this offends any body.
  • I'm missing my favorite condiment: ketchup
  • I think I'm using a little too much honey in my tea and yogurt to fool myself into thinking, "Patrick said, a little bit is ok."  One jar has vanished since the start of this PCP
  • What!!!#$% Milk and yogurt are supposed to be our fats??? I've been drinking skim milk and eating 0% fat yogurt this whole time... Did I miss an earlier email or something? It's like maintaining abstinence from the start of the program because you thought Patrick said so, but then on Day 43 you get an email saying it was ok all along. Ahhhhhhhh
Night night guys.

Week 6 Photos Up

I have this uncanny ability to pack on muscle. It's ok, I would also like to occupy less space if you know what I mean.  But I know that will come with time. More to follow.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 43 Patrick is on something

I think Patrick has had a little too much ginger on his veggies...  2minute sets x 7 reps of jumping??? Something was terribly wrong with the way I have been jumping rope then for the past 41 days.  My friend Sara S. from last PCP did say I jump really fast (which I thought was more of a forced compliment).  But now that I have 'tried' to do this 'new' type of jumping, I think she was right.  I could barely get through each set of 2 minutes.  I have been jumping so fast for the last 4 weeks, my endurance really didn't get pushed because by the time 1 minute and a half was up, I'm now realizing I got through almost 200 jumps, and then I would take a quick 20 second rest.  Now, I've slowed down my pace drastically, to almost 50 jumps per 30 seconds and I'm sucking wind big time... UGHHHHH

Then, there was the strength training.  Floor jumps AND lunges after 14 minutes of jumping? By the time I made it to the Plank I was shaking all over.  Now I use an online stopwatch: to better calculate things. And boy was I counting seconds fast when doing the Plank before.

Happy to report that I had my 6th date with the 8 minute ab guy again.  I figured why not torture myself some more?

Oh, and no weight loss this week. But this one's for Patrick...... I DON'T CARE!  My body is changing and I see it.   I also know that I have to shut my trap for the next 40 days and only eat my PCP food.  I am on a better wavelength today and I am focusing on this very topic now.

Gotta run to grandma's house to deliver those cookies.  Week 6 photos will go up tomorrow.
Almost half way there gang!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 42 Success then Crash

Well, I almost had a perfect PCP day.  Then a small beautiful 3 foot monster asked me to make cookies to bring to grandma's house tomorrow to help her feel better.  (My mother has bacterial pneumonia. We are going to see her tomorrow).  So we made the most delicious chocolate chip cookies on earth (well, not really, but when on the PCP, anything with sugar is the most delicious thing on earth). I was doing fine until it was time to scrape them off the cookie tray.  In my state of delirium, I forgot to grease the trays (probably because I have been so trained not to use butter), so all the cookies stuck like glue to them. I created more crumbs then whole cookies.  And wouldn't you know I just had to eat the crumbs off the counter top.  The only problem is, I must have eaten enough crumbs to make at least one whole cookie.  Oh well, back to square one.

On a better note; I came home from work a bit early to get my 1500 in.  Rocked it out in less than 10 minutes.  And then I had a date with uni-tard man.  It's been 5 straight days I've done the video.  Proud of myself for that.

I'll end with a few PCP thoughts that have been floating in my brain as of lately:
  • Did any one else notice all the Easter candy out on the shelves now? I MUST NOT GIVE IN...
  • I've been passing my old pizza and deli joints thinking, "Wow, I can't believe I haven't walked in there in over 40 days!" 
  • What exactly will I look like on day 90? Will I be happy with the results?
  • Wow, this food prep is exhausting.  I can't order take-out with my husband any more so I'm even making dinner for him every night, which adds to the exhaustion.
  • Will I ever love to eat vegetables?
  • I miss salad dressing, but balsamic vinegar feels like it keeps me from getting sinus infections.
  • I also miss a sweet breakfast.  
  • When feeding my kids sugary yogurt or oatmeal in the morning, I'm wondering when I'll be putting out veggies for them as well.
  • I need to find the inner strength I had the first 3 weeks to get me through the second half of this thing.
  • I am grateful for all my fellow PCPer's for their ongoing support through blog comments.  I am already missing them come day 90.

Green Pants

Don't know why everyone is so interested in this.  Sorry to disappoint.  For some reason, I think some of the guys were thinking 'sexy green pants'.  But that is not what I said.  They are purely work pants.  So... by popular demand here they are:
More to follow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 41 1pm and all is well...except a handful of granola

The good news or the bad news? Ok, it's 1pm, I'm home with the kids.  Up at 5 am with Wyatt, put him in the pack n play thingy and did jumps before breakfast.  Then at 9am did resistance training while he took a nap and my daughter had a play date.  At 12:30 did 8 minute abs while Wyatt went down for his afternoon slumber.  That's the good news.

The bad news, a handful of granola and raisins.  Ughhhh, it haunts me. I'm blogging it out now versus tonight in hopes to rid of this snacking problem.

Otherwise, jumps are getting easier, triceps exercises kill, as do v-sits.  But my 'big' jeans are now too lose as are my 'big-never-fail' black work trousers.  Oh well.... off to the store! (Well, the internet.)

Firm up gang! (Direct from uni-tard guy)

PS Did any one notice the diamond clad watch on the hot blonde guy in ab video? Yeah, I always wear my diamond jewlery when working out...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 40 Goodbye Watermelon

Ok, most of you would probably not wear bright green pants.  But you see, I work with children.  And mostly children with disabilities.  I do anything to brighten their day.  And the little ones LOVE the green pants for some reason.  But you can't go around wearing green pants if your arse is as large as a watermelon.  Well... for the first time today since I got pregnant with #2 (October 2009) my body fit into those green pants with a little room to spare.

Otherwise, trying to get my workouts done first thing in the morning. Also trying to get the 8 minute abs in.  I have to admit, I'm not doing the pistol squats.  I substitute them with regular squats  4 x 20reps.  My knees are a little shot from years of soccer and marathon running.  I can't afford an injury any more.

Diet was better today.  I'm trying to regain focus here.  I'm nervous that this weeks' photo won't show change.  I want to reach day 90 feeling like huge strides have been made.

Well, here's to green pants and happy children. Keep strong y'all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 39 Diet is getting difficult

I don't like the way I feel today.  PCP diet is not agreeing with me, again.  Don't know why it is so hard for me to stick to the diet on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I am home with the kids.  I HAVE TO MAKE IT A PRIORITY. I have to keep telling myself this.

Woke up this morning and did the jump ropes before breakfast. Had my PCP breakfast and made it to just before lunch.  We were at a friend's for a play date and the kids were snacking on pretzels.  It seems as though I am really craving carbs.  So I gave in and had about 4-5 small pretzel sticks.  I was pissed over that.

Then home midday for Wyatt's marathon nap.  Had my PCP lunch, but for some reason, really craved cheese.  I weakened and had 2 slices of my daughters 'organic' cheese.

I wish I had more will power on these days.  I have to dig deep and figure this out some how.

On a more positive note, I've managed to do the 8 minute abs video 2 days in a row.  That video rocks. No really, if we all did that video even every other day for the next 50 days I'm certain our abdominals would look amazing.  Now... where to find the time to fit that in as well?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 38 Another SNOW DAY - and ohhhh those cravings!

Are you kidding me? Those that live in the northeast U.S. know what I'm talking about.  I woke up this morning to this:

That's our backyard looking out from the deck.  Our sitter came 2 hours late so nothing else to do but get the kiddies dressed and play in the snow.
My legs were killing me today after this weekends and today's workout.  Walking in the snow was even difficult.  And ohhhhh, those cravings. I'm so glad it's not only me and others are having them as well.  Trying to stay strong. It's not easy but must keep finish line in mind. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 37 Long Busy Weekend

Been a crazy weekend. In-laws visited and stayed over Friday night into Saturday.  We went out to a beautiful restaurant on the Hudson River on Friday night for my husbands birthday.  I had club soda, grilled salmon with a side of steamed spinach, carrots and string beans (no butter/salt). Nothing for dessert.  Got all the jump roping in up to date, but sad to report that I was unable to do the resistance training yesterday.  Will put forth more effort to get it done today, although I have more family stopping by for a visit.  Week 5 photos up.  This week I lost 1 lb. So total is 16.  I feel like I am not half way there and that bums me out.  Obviously I need to do the program 100% but with 2 small children and work it is difficult.  I will keep going and I guess if it is most definitely going to take me more than 90 days I will have to keep going on without you all.  Please stop in and comment on my blog after 90 days, the support is priceless.  Be well. Stay the course.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 34 Home Alone was better today

Well I started off the day saying, "Just because you are home with the kids again today, doesn't give you the excuse to walk into the kitchen every hour.  Stay away from handfuls of cheerios, raisins and cranberries."  And I did it. In the past it has been a struggle for me not to constantly snack all day when home alone with the kids.  Somehow, today I banked enough will power to end the endless non-PCP snacking.  Yeah, it was only the above mentioned foods, but still, it had to end.

Did my workout just in the nick of time while Wyatt took his morning nap and Allie was in nursery school.  Jump ropes were good, floor jumps are torture, elevated tricep dips are impossible bastards since I think the weight of my ass totally ruins it for me, and leg ups are impossible for me to get through at this point.  But all in all, a good day.

7:30pm now and cooking up some grilled chicken on the BBQ.  Gonna make my signature monstrous salad.  Sans cheese,nuts, and cranberries (like I used to add).  I'm anticipating I'll get the apple/banana/egg white dinner tomorrow.  Maybe I should just have a steak tonight...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 33 Back in Action

I don't know why. Today I felt like a superhero.  I was up 3x last night (as usual, to nurse Wyatt).  Up at 6am with the kiddies to start the day. I saw seven patients between 9am and 3pm.  Ate all my PCP meals and NOTHING else.  Got home at 4pm, fed and bathed the kids, put them to bed and began my PCP workout at 7:30pm.  This alone would have normally killed me since I'm so much more a morning exercise person.  But for some unknown reason I cooked through the exercises and felt great.  (Well, not the leg exercises).

Below is a photo of a 'sawhorse'.  My friend Sara (from last PCP) loaned it to me.  It's perfect for those incline pull-ups.  Since I still can't do one full pull up, inclines have become my friend, or my enemy. I'm not sure yet.  I highly recommend you guys build one of these babies if you're still having a hard time finding a place to do the inclines.  It's just 5 pieces of wood. (Yes, that's me. The other night.  Outside in 30 degrees.  I'm wearing my husbands gloves so I don't get a splinter.) I guess I'm really not a superhero after all.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 32 Sick

Well, I came down with a bad cold of some sorts yesterday morning.  Endless sneezing and congestion.  The likelihood of one coming down with something in 90 days is very high especially here in the northeast snow country.  I do not blame it on the PCP.  Likely to happen any way.

Needless to say, no post yesterday because it was a difficult day. Felt crappy all day, but ran home at lunch time to get my 1300 in.  Back to work all day feeling worse. Kiddies in bed by 7pm  then off to my buddy Sara's to gossip and attempt the remainder of the exercises. Managed to get 90% of them finished while she tore her whole house apart looking for her light weight resistance band.  Katana's are impossible with a medium band. Leg ups are stronger, plank is still good. Curls make me feel like Popeye.

On the diet front, I have to say I don't feel like eating ANYthing.  It is probably due to this bug I have. I will try and eat my allotment today, but it is unlikely since I feel worse.  Also, haven't done today's exercises yet, but will try and at least get the jumping and abs in.  (Maybe I'll try the 8 minute abs with spandex muscle-head man and porno music video).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 30 Indulgence

Well, I did it. 400 calories of the most magnificent ice cream on earth.  For me it was worth every calorie.  I must say, it tasted MUCH sweeter than I remember.  Almost grainy sugary like, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.  I also felt lethargic afterward.  So I get it Patrick.  Experiment well thought out.

So.. Back to PCP world again. Exercise program kicks butt. Getting very difficult now (and time consuming).  However, my 7 month old now participates in the Plank position.

 Best of luck everyone.  Cheers to 60 more days.  Let's rock it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 29 Weight Loss Success

SORRY PATRICK... What can I say? I just had to do it. I got on the scale even though Patrick asked me not to.  It's kind of a disease. My female teammates know exactly what I'm talking about.  Anyway, 4 more pounds down (1.81 kg).  Total of 14.  Good riddance.  Good bye.  Never to see you again, thank you.

Well, the day has just begun around here.  I just wanted to post my Day 29 photos and share the good news.  Tonight... INDULGENCE. Now I definitely won't eat the whole container of ice cream.  Just my 200-400 calorie allowance.  (However much that may be). Will keep you posted.

Best of luck to my PCP buddies.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 28 Jump Roping Rock Star

Well, the title of this post is a bit sarcastic, but I do feel as if I should be in some jump roping contest by now.  I haven't jumped rope this much in my life.  Today I ran home in between work to get the jump roping in.  Just for my own competitive being, I've been pushing how long it takes me to get to 1000 from the start of the PCP.  Today was a record.  Just under 10 minutes to get to 1000. And then another 5 minutes to complete the 1300.  I don't know if everyone else is already going this fast or am I just a freak of nature; an out of shape mom who can jump rope really fast? Ha. (or at least it seems fast to me) I'm sure you guys have already hit this number (except Andy, who has told me otherwise, but I really can't tell if he is being sarcastic, his comments are always so funny).

Did well on the diet front today, although it is only 5pm here.  But Friday nights are family nights so I figure I'd better get this post in now.

I stopped off at the grocery store on my way home from work and bought my INDULGENCE...drum roll please...  Haagan Daaz Java Chip.  The devil made this.  Straight from hell.  I'll be calculating my caloric limit in ounces and consuming (probably) every last bite tomorrow evening.  Can't wait....  Week 4 photos tomorrow (before the indulgence of course).  Stay tuned, I'll let you know how the indulgence effects me.  With my luck, it won't at all, and I'll start craving it again.  Interested to see if Patrick's experiment works on me.

I got the new diet and exercise prescription for this upcoming week.  I feel a little guilty since I seem to be one of the few allowed to eat a somewhat 'normal' dinner.  No apple/banana dinner here.  I suspect that has to do with nursing the babe, but I kinda wish I got the apple/banana dinner so this weight would come off faster, oh well.

Good luck everyone.  Weekends are usually tough.  At least around here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 27 Back on Track

Well OK, I'm back! It's 8pm and I haven't deviated from the PCP diet and inch today (well maybe. I licked the knife when making my daughters PB&J sandwhich).  Feel good for it.  Still hungry.  I wonder if hunger is purely mental for me.  I think I may always feel this way if I'm not 'allowed' to eat all that I want to, whenever I want to.  This could get deep and might better be thought out by a psychiatrist.  But I'm not going there.

Exercises: Jumpropes are still going well.  I feel as if I should probably push myself more. I still do sets of 100 and rest 30 seconds in between.  Good workout, but defiinitely not exhausting.
Squats - so much easier than lunges
Rows - love these, as I know that are improving my posture as we speak
Push ups - man, I used to be able to do no-knees push ups, but I still need to put my knees down..weakling
Double katana - nice one Patrick! Another torture position to isolate the triceps
Shoulder fly - not sure exactly where Patrick is going with this one, since the physics of the resistance band don't exactly run on a straight plane in this position.  But I do feel it in my posterior delts (rear shoulders)
V-sits - well, I think this is the exercise that might rid me of my pregnancy belly once and for all; if it doesn't blow out a vertebral disk beforehand...

Love the routine though, really.. Keep it up everyone!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 26 Slacking with Exercise and Diet

Yesterday I was home with the kids all day again.  This is really killing me. We don't keep 'bad' foods in the house, but we certainly don't have all PCP friendly foods either.  I found myself grabbing a handful of raisins here and there yesterday and then a handful of Cheerios.  I know these two foods aren't terrible, but I'm trying to be totally 'transparent' and truthful here.  I am certain it is because I haven't been eating my daily allowance of protein since we are low on food this week and it is time for me to order Fresh Direct again (fresh/organic food delivered to your doorstep; I can kiss whomever created this company).  After this blog, I'm going to order more food right away.

Now, I haven't missed a day of exercise yet, but yesterday was awful.  Up at 5am with my son, and no break or nap to exercise all day.  Husband home at 9pm from work.  I somehow managed to get the jump roping in, but not the resistance exercises.  I hate that I missed it.  I did V-sits tonight and Molly, you were right. THEY KILL!

I am starting fresh again tomorrow.  No more raisins, no more Cheerios.  Be better prepared in my own kitchen.  Eat my allotment of food so I don't have the urge to snack on non-PCP foods.

Here's to a better tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 24 Pissed off Jump Roping

Well today was interesting.  My plan was to get the workout done in the one hour free I had between work and dropping my daughter off at home with the nanny after her school day at noon.  On the way to pick her up from nursery school I was pulled over by a local police officer for talking on my phone.  Now I know we shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving, but I was using speaker phone and was about to put the phone on the dashboard, I was just caught before that happened.  Needless to say after 20 minutes of I don't know what and being late to pick up my daughter, I received a court summons.  Not a ticket, but a summons! Which means I can't just pay the fine, I have to hear it from the judge.

Meanwhile, I was 20 minutes behind when I got home and only had time to do the jump ropes.  I closed our basement door so the minors wouldn't hear and played a song by Cee Lo Green called F**k You.  I did the 1100 jumps in less than 10 minutes.  If only it were that easy every day.

I just finished the resistance half of the program, and I really do not like splitting the routine up.  Let me say OUCH to the Shoulder Press.  I need to find the 'wimpy' level band.  My light/10lb one seems to be too difficult. 7-5-5 was all I got.  Still trying the pull up.  I'm at about 1/4 of the way there.  Does that even count? I do the incline pull ups under our massive oak dining room table that must weigh a ton.  But I'm still afraid I'm going to break the table.  I do love the Plank exercise, but I don't feel it is quite as effective as some of the other abdominal exercises we have been doing.  Looking forward to the V-sits tomorrow.

Diet: So... how many calories in a slice of NY pizza? Something tells me it might be over the 400 calorie allowance.  Then I'm thinking local pub cheeseburger, but that's definitely over 400 calories.  Maybe I'll have half. Or I'll just go for my all time favorite: bakery black and white cookie.  This too may even be close to 400 calories.  I can't believe I used to have them once or twice a week. Ughhhhh

Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading about everyone else's indulgence choices.  Bon appetit!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 23 Done and Done

I got up this morning determined to 'rock' today's PCP. By 9am all the exercises were done but I had already ate breakfast AND my morning snack (that's what happens when your day starts at 4am).  After the exercises, I have to say I was a little 'shakey'.  I get this way when I haven't eaten sugar. I pushed through until noon when I made a huge grilled chicken salad with whole wheat pasta.  I'm pleased to say my metabolism worked well for the remainder of the day and my body felt like it had all that it needed to get by.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 22 Feeling Good, But No Weight Loss This Week

So I've had pretty good weight loss up until this week.  I was surprised and angry to see no change in the scale this week.  I know the scientific philosophy: muscle mass replaces fat.  But it still hurts.  I've still got a lot of weight to lose and the dieting component of the PCP (or any plan for that matter) is always so difficult for me.  I have to say I also stuck to the diet very well this past week.  I'll try not to let it get to me.

I got the exercises done early today.  It really is so much more enjoyable to do them in the morning.  The jumps were not as smooth as yesterday, but still managed to get through them without throwing the rope across the room like Scott. :)  Squats are getting easier; I feel my quadriceps getting stronger.  Pull ups are still a joke, and even the incline pull ups kill me.  But bring on the abdominals. I love them.  I have a diastasis recti (split abdominal muscle from pregnancy), so I really need to get them stronger.  I'm shocked I can even keep up with the current abdominal exercises.

As for the new diet, although mine hasn't changed much, I found myself hungry all day today.  I guess it doesn't help that it's that time for me when women scream at their husbands for anything they can think of, like not using a tissue when appropriate. Ughhhhhh  Sorry to be gross, but I'm so hungry I can't think of any other example.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 21 Improving Endurance

Well, today was one of those days that started out terrible.  It ended with me kicking some jump rope butt, which made me feel a lot better.
My little Wyatt poked me in the eye yesterday, the pain was awful and I could barely see.  I had to work today and squeezed in an eye doctor appointment in between.  Eye drops seem to be improving my vision, but still painful nonetheless.  With all that craziness, jump ropes began at 8:30pm.  I am pleased to announce that jump ropes also ended at 8:45pm.  I could not believe how easily I breezed right through them.  So I did my old abdominal routine afterward in hope to get rid of this post-pregnancy belly once and for all.
Diet going ok.  Haven't gotten in all my vegetable or protein quota this week.  Contrary to what Patrick says, I still have sugar cravings.  The orange juice in my refrigerator calls out to me from time to time as well as the box of chocolate Cheerios in our pantry.   I don't think I'll ever lose those cravings.  But at least I'll be jumping rope like Rocky.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 19 Snow Day Blues

I'm beginning to think all these snow days home with the kids are amounting to the true diet test for me.  I now realize why there are so many stay at home moms suffering from unhealthy lifestyles.
Well its only midday, but I've done well diet-wise and got my workout done early in the a.m. again.  Boy, are those squats and lunges killing me.  But the jump ropes are exactly what my body needs.  Any one else getting sick of eggs? And I know we have a long way to go before they can disappear.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 18 Another Snow Day But More Will Power

Once again, school canceled.  Home with the kids all day.  But this time my will power and I were friends.  I kept thinking about my recent weight loss and looking at the photo I keep on my refrigerator (The one I posted on Day 1 blog - pre-kids photo).  
I've been doing the workouts either first thing in the morning or as soon as the baby goes down for his morning nap.  Mornings are definitely better.  More energy, stronger work out.
Thank you again Sara S (last PCP) for making PCP friendly food to munch on during our snow day hang out today.  (Killer sweet potato chips - no oil/salt - just a handful).  And thank you PCP Andy for making me feel like I'm not the only monkey hanging around on the 'chin up' bar...