Saturday, January 15, 2011

Morning of Day 1

Well, I thought it was a sign that this PCP starts on the the 15th of January and on this same day it happens to be my daughter's 4th birthday.  Hope this will help carry me through... Was once a marathon runner in excellent condition; now a working mother of two and about forty pounds overweight since the birth of my son 6 months ago.
My issue will always be time. But now is the time to work on ourselves and not every body else, right?  My husband took my 4year old skiing early this morning and I managed to get the first workout in while my 6 month old took a nap. 30 minute nap, 30 minute work out. phew, that was close.  Now for the rest of the day. HALF... Let's see how this goes. Good luck to everyone else.  I look forward to chatting with you.
Oh, and here is my photo. But I thought I'd add a photo of how I will look on Day 90 (I hope).
PCP Day 1
5 years ago pre-kids


Sarah said...

Heather! So excited for you! I even did a full workout this morning in your honor. Looking forward to being wow'ed by your progress, both here and IRL...

Sara said...

I second what sarah said, minus the workout in your honor - i'll get to that at some point. We'll be your cheerleaders in this thing. 5 years ago? Hubba bubba. xo

Andy said...

Hey, welcome to the I-started-the-PCP-on-my-daughter's-birthday-club! You'll be happy to know that they celebrated us with fireworks outside my hotel room in New Hampshire. My daughter was so excited.