Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8 Weight Loss Success

Even though Patrick said, "take no pride" in the weight loss from last week, I do!  Eating half was not easy for me (especially since I usually don't eat much to begin with).  So I lost 5lbs (2.3kg) this week.  I still have a ways to go though.

So today, Day 1 of the 'new diet' was interesting to say the least. A LOT OF FOOD!  I have to admit, I did not eat all of it.  I definitely stuck to the 'rules' but with house guests this weekend and not making it to the market yet, I couldn't fulfill the entire quota.

No veggies at breakfast and not enough protein at lunch.  But the fruit in between worked well for sweet cravings.

The exercises today were also interesting. Jump rope continues to improve.  Does any one else have a hard time with the incline pull up? Wow, much harder than I thought.  And the 'Davinci' shoulder raises.... I'm using the light (10lb) sports cord but I think I need to go buy the wimpy 5lb cord if I can even find one.

All in all, a good day.


Sean said...

Don't think of yourself as whimpy. You simply haven't put these muscles to work. Now that you are, with every pull up and Davinci you do weakness is leaving your body.

Scott said...

Thanks so much for the breakfast idea(s)...REALLY appreciate it Heather. da Vinci is an artist...kick his ass! Every one you do means you have done one more than you once did!

Molly said...

Cheers on 5 does feel good even if it was only who knows what on Week 1! :)

Juan said...

Keep it up H!
I very much relate to your experience.