Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4 Modification

Ok, well, I managed to diminish my back pain (slightly) by jumping at a slower speed as well as keeping a good bend in both knees.  Obviously creating more shock absorption.  Haven't gotten around to buying a mat yet, but I also hope that will help me out.  Other exercises are fine.  Eating half is weird.  I think I'm really just eating healthier small meals than half.  Will try half again tomorrow. 

My motivation today:                                       


I'm up half the night with him. But looking at him today told me to keep going, back pain or not...


Chris said...

Ah, so cute! And I just noticed more motivation on you blog: your headstand! Awesome...

Molly said...

Yes....what a cutie! I miss those days. It's a busy time of life...great job today though.

Richard said...

Keep it up Heather: and agree on the half meals - I think I am eating smaller healthier too - versus eating anything and trashing half.

Sarah said...

Pls tell Wyatt to stop being so stinkin' cute - I can't take it!!

On jumping - it's a bit of a shock to the bod in the first week or so. Strange pains in the beginning are definitely normal. Good for you for slowing down and paying attention to your form! The padded mat idea is a good one too. Also - even though the weather has been yucky, it's still possible to jump outside! Shovel out a little spot and experiment.

Juan said...

My one year old boy also keeps us busy at night. But exercise and diet equal better sleep quality. My son actually interrupted me this morning when doing the push ups to play with the handles. I gave him twenty seconds of play and got on with the fourth set!

Heather said...

Hey guys, once again, your comments and support are so much appreciated!