Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3 Pain

I'm worried. Today I barely made it through the jump roping.  Not because my legs were sore or that I couldn't do it cardiovascularly, but because my back hurt; real pain that shoots down your legs.  I've been jumping in our basement which has concrete floors.  I knew this wasn't a good idea, but it is just too cold here in New York to go outside.  I managed to get through all the sets but had to stop after every 10 jumps.  I didn't break a sweat because of this.  The squats, push-ups and abs were fine, but the jump roping was bad.  I'm going to try and find a padded mat to jump on.  Hope that will work.  Diet is ok. Still playing mental games with myself.


Anonymous said...

sounds painful - take care of urself and hope the mat works

David said...

Hey heather
How about one of the thick mats they sell in places like Toys R Us for playrooms and stuff. I jump on ceramioc floors at home and have been thinking of getting one.
All the best

Heather said...

Hey guys, thanks for the support. I'm definitely picking up a mat today if I can get through the snow. I'll let you know how it works David.

Molly said...

I jump on carpet and my back also hurt the first few days. I finally realized that was totally tensing up my neck/shoulders/arms while jumping. The last 2 days I've been conscious of relaxing those areas and the back pain has went away?!

Dottie said...

Hi Heather... I bought a kids mat that you connect like a puzzle on Saturday and have been using it since day one to do all my workouts on. I have a bad lower back and I have had zero issues. Go for it- it will help tremendously!!! Don't let the mind games win- you are going to be the winner in this one- I promise! :)