Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2

I managed to get the second workout in this morning. Weekends will be easier for me since my husband is around to watch the little monsters.  I'm doing ok with the exercises, but the eating half is definitely a challenge.  A mental game, like some of you have also been realizing.  WOULD I have eaten the rest of the ravioli's on my daughter's plate, or am I just hungry because I have only had half of my breakfast?  Well, I think I have been fairing well.  Not great, but ok. 

Funny point: my good friend Sara S. from last PCP loaned me her pull up bar (amongst other PCP tools).  I tried it out last night, as it hangs on a door frame and I wanted to make certain it fit mine before I went out to purchase one of my own.  Well, the door framed cracked when I tried it out.  Our house was somewhat cheaply built in the 80's and the door frames are made of cheap thin wood.  However, I couldn't help but think: "Another sign: I NEED to do this!"


Chris said...
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Chris said...

Sorry Heather, I got your name wrong... doh.
Anyway, what I wanted to say was: It's not you, it's the door... You can do it! Have fun.