Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 16 Will Power and More Temptation

Saturday night was a success, I'm happy to report.  Friends' birthday party was easy to avoid alcohol.  They did have a custom marzipan birthday cake which I only tasted a small bite from my husbands' fork.  Lots of dancing, so I supposed I burned some extra calories any way.

Yesterday was more difficult.  Guests over our house for brunch.  NY bagels and delicious coffee cake brought over our house.  2 of my favorite things.  I couldn't believe that when weighed, a whole wheat bagel amounted to my allotment of breakfast carbs.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  Again, I 'tasted' the coffee cake, but that's all.

Thank  you, my dear friend Sara S. from last PCP.  I was almost about to skip yesterdays workout since I only got 4 hours of sleep the night prior and we had guests over most of the day and then I had to go to our office to work for a few hours.  Sara came over my house at 8pm and we accomplished the Day 16 workout together.  Now able to do 100 jump sets, I'm getting through the cardio much quicker.

Now for Day 17.  Bring it on, I have more jeans to fit into!


Molly said...

:) Get out those old jeans and keep trying them on! :)

Dottie said...


Juan said...

The pay offs of self restraint taste so much better than the easy rewards of yielding to temptation! Way to go

Sarah said...

Teamwork! I like it!

Sara said...

Believe me - it was as good for me as it was for you:) We'll do it again soon. Just not a day when you have incline pull ups!

Sara said...

PS - great photos!!

Patrick said...

Yes, don't miss workouts, no slip ups in these first crucial weeks.

Chris said...

sounds like a great friend! good for you both...