Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 15 Weight Loss - Yeah

Feels good to fit into non-maternity jeans again.  I'm pleased to report I lost 3lbs (1.36kg) this week.  (The more you have to lose, the faster it comes off).  I'm feeling good and my enthusiasm is up again since my weekly weigh in.

This mornings workout was tough though.  I didn't make it through the jumps like I did yesterday.  It always amazed me when training for marathons that one day I could cruise through a 15 mile run, but on another day, 3 miles seemed liked running through molasses.  The human body is an amazing thing...

We're going out into Manhattan tonight for a friends' big birthday bash.  Food and drink will certainly be plentiful.  Restraining from alcohol won't be a problem, and since this recent weight loss, I have the drive to keep my mouth closed from all non-PCP foods.

Good luck to all. Bring on week 3!!


Molly said...

Yeah Heather!

Patrick said...

Right. Once the results start rolling in the motivation takes care of itself.

3 lbs and you haven't been hungry at all right? That's good sustainable fat loss.

Anonymous said...

nice work heather!

Chris said...

That's really terrific Heather. Way to go!

Dottie said...

Awesome job Heather! cant wait to hear the good news after 90 days! :) Keep it up and great job keeping everything in check