Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13 Sore and Lacking Will Power

Well, today may have been my weakest day on the PCP yet.  ANOTHER snow day here in NY. 4 year old home from school and I'm snowed in all day with both kids.
Woke up feeling very tired and sore, especially in the legs.  Difficult again to carry Wyatt up the steps to his bedroom.  Managed to get the entire work out in mid morning while he slept and my daughter watched and colored besides me.  I'm working out now on top of already sore muscles so my lunges today were only mini-squats and my forward shoulder raises were, well, crappy.
But the worst was the diet.  I caved in and ate one whole wheat blueberry pancake with a little syrup.  (Since we were snowed in, the family requested pancakes).  For some reason, I also found myself eating my daughters left over ravioli's for lunch instead of what I had planned to make for myself.  What can I say? I'm a sucker for carbs...
Any way, tomorrow is another day.  I am determined to find my will power again.  Maybe it lies deep within the 3 feet of snow on my front yard.


Scott said...

Snow days are a killer and we have had too many already. A record January. But you can't give in! You are on a mission! ...a journey!'s a challenge sometimes yes but challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful!

Dottie said...

Yes... the snow is brutal but stay strong and dont let it be an excuse for you. You can be strong when temptation arises... think of your end goal and the first photos you posted. You can do this-- dont wait for tomorrow... get on track tonight for dinner or even the after dinner snack. Before you put the next bad bite in your mouth-- reach out to one of us online... I am sure we have round the clock worldwide presence.
Find the Will Power and join us again- we are hear for you.

Andy said...

Well, you are either my inspiration or my excuse, not sure which. I am hosting seven 8-year-old girls for a slumber party this weekend. Sundae bar in the evening and pancake fest in the morning. How will I not share?

Patrick said...

This is a key point. Whether you're feeling crappy or feeling great you do your workout all the same. Your body doesn't care how you're feeling, it'll burn fat and build muscle no matter what your emotional state. So just do the thing.