Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12 Feeling Old

Finally able to do sets of 75 jumps.  Started at sets of 20, so this is motivating.  But darn Leonardo da Vinci! Those are killers! Push ups kill me as well. Come to think of it, so do the incline pull ups.  I guess I've turned into an old out of shape mom.  I can't believe how deconditioned I've become.
Eating lots of grilled chicken over brown rice and veggies.  Balsamic vinegar is my best friend.  And oh, those banana smoothies.  Is it possible to OD on potassium?


Andy said...

what do you put in your banana smoothies?

Patrick said...

You'll be surprised by how quickly your body tones up and your power returns.

Chris said...

I find all da shoulder ones to be killer!

Scott said...

one day at a time Heather. You'll be doing a jump rope video before you know it.