Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11 Finding Heaven in a Sweet Potato

OK.  I know we are not supposed to eat too many potatoes.  I haven't eaten one since the PCP started, but last night I made sweet potatoes with roasted chicken and salad.  I asked Andy (my husband) if it were just me, or was that the best sweet potato he had ever eaten.  He said it was me. Here's what I think happened: I LOVE sugar. Sugar in my iced coffee, fruit, ketchup, cookies, cereal, bread, candy...etc  But haven't touched the stuff since our PCP started.  My guess is that the potato was the sweetest thing I had had in 11 days and my taste buds freaked out and did a jig because they were finally getting something similar to the sweetness I once exposed them to every day.  Interesting... If I would only get that reaction with green vegetables...


Chris said...

I can dig it as you know... everything is better with sweet potato... including greens!

Molly said...

I wish so bad I liked sweet potatoes, but I DON'T!!!

Patrick said...

That is your palate coming back to a more natural set point. New flavors will continue to pop out as we go along.

Sara said...

Sweet potatoes (and avocados) are God's gift to the PCP. Couldn't have survived without either of them!

Dottie said...

happy you like them... more for you and less for me... I dont like ANY potatoes... :) and I'm Irish- somethings wrong here