Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10 Temptation

Well today was difficult, but I made it.  We had friends from California staying the weekend with us.  Pizza was ordered in lieu of the football games.  Pizza, I love pizza! But I'm happy to report that I did not deviate from the project.  Grilled chicken over whole wheat pasta and veggies was my dinner as 6 others ate pizza.  I also enjoyed my favorite smoothie concoction for dessert while everyone else was chugging down beer.   I'm feeling good about keeping to the plan.


Sara said...

Go, Heather! Proud of you. Might have to have another smoothie in your honor....

Patrick said...

Will power of STEEL! Nice.

Chris said...

Way to go. My house had pizza tonight too, but I had already eaten my evening truckload of veg so couldn't stand the sight or smell of it. Not sure if I could have passed on the beer though... you're fierce!

Molly said...

Way to go Heather. P&C are keeping us so stuffed that it helps to say no -----you really don't have room in your stomach to add something else in! :)

Juan said...

Pizza, as sadness, is a state of mind. Congratulations on your self-restraint capacity!

Dottie said...

Pizza is my favorite too!!! I was so tempted to eat some when I was at company function at Celtics game--- free food and drinks in a suite.... and I nibbled on carrots and celery until I got home to eat.... feels good when you dont fail to temptation!!!