Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17 Long Day and Pull Up Defeat

This is the type of day that I dread.  No time to work out in the a.m. because the kids woke too early.  Then off to work (no lunch break to work out in).  I rushed home to squeeze in the 850 jumps before our nanny left for the day (she thinks I'm crazing for jumping rope. She's from Peru and makes eggs as a side for any dish and cooks with a lot of butter).  Any way, I had to wait until the kids were asleep to finish the resistance training this evening at 8:30pm.

Now, I don't know if it was just because I am completely exhausted but I couldn't even do ONE measly pull up!  I recently did at least one at my friend Sara's house just prior to the start of the PCP when I was checking out her pull up bar.  I feel defeated.

Well I guess the good news is that I've been keeping to the diet even though the last piece of coffee cake has been sitting on my kitchen counter since yesterday when our guests brought it over. It actually talks to me.  I hope it is gone by tomorrow (by someone else that is).

Day 16 Will Power and More Temptation

Saturday night was a success, I'm happy to report.  Friends' birthday party was easy to avoid alcohol.  They did have a custom marzipan birthday cake which I only tasted a small bite from my husbands' fork.  Lots of dancing, so I supposed I burned some extra calories any way.

Yesterday was more difficult.  Guests over our house for brunch.  NY bagels and delicious coffee cake brought over our house.  2 of my favorite things.  I couldn't believe that when weighed, a whole wheat bagel amounted to my allotment of breakfast carbs.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  Again, I 'tasted' the coffee cake, but that's all.

Thank  you, my dear friend Sara S. from last PCP.  I was almost about to skip yesterdays workout since I only got 4 hours of sleep the night prior and we had guests over most of the day and then I had to go to our office to work for a few hours.  Sara came over my house at 8pm and we accomplished the Day 16 workout together.  Now able to do 100 jump sets, I'm getting through the cardio much quicker.

Now for Day 17.  Bring it on, I have more jeans to fit into!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 15 Weight Loss - Yeah

Feels good to fit into non-maternity jeans again.  I'm pleased to report I lost 3lbs (1.36kg) this week.  (The more you have to lose, the faster it comes off).  I'm feeling good and my enthusiasm is up again since my weekly weigh in.

This mornings workout was tough though.  I didn't make it through the jumps like I did yesterday.  It always amazed me when training for marathons that one day I could cruise through a 15 mile run, but on another day, 3 miles seemed liked running through molasses.  The human body is an amazing thing...

We're going out into Manhattan tonight for a friends' big birthday bash.  Food and drink will certainly be plentiful.  Restraining from alcohol won't be a problem, and since this recent weight loss, I have the drive to keep my mouth closed from all non-PCP foods.

Good luck to all. Bring on week 3!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 14 I Found My Will Power Again

Today was great.  I woke up and said, "You can do this. It's a new day. Forget about yesterday." So I did.

Woke up at 5:45am with my little alarm clock Wyatt.  Took him downstairs while the others were sleeping.
800 jumps? No problem. Finished them in 15min. I couldn't believe it, and neither could Wyatt.  He may just jump rope before he learns to walk...

Anyway, today I took the bull by the horns and said no food is worth looking fat and feeling depressed over.  So I stuck to the diet like glue.  A bit hungry by dinner, but I didn't give in.

Thank you com-padres for all your support.  I have to admit, it is nice to know I have other friends out there when I need them.  And, like me, they are holding onto their will power with death grips.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13 Sore and Lacking Will Power

Well, today may have been my weakest day on the PCP yet.  ANOTHER snow day here in NY. 4 year old home from school and I'm snowed in all day with both kids.
Woke up feeling very tired and sore, especially in the legs.  Difficult again to carry Wyatt up the steps to his bedroom.  Managed to get the entire work out in mid morning while he slept and my daughter watched and colored besides me.  I'm working out now on top of already sore muscles so my lunges today were only mini-squats and my forward shoulder raises were, well, crappy.
But the worst was the diet.  I caved in and ate one whole wheat blueberry pancake with a little syrup.  (Since we were snowed in, the family requested pancakes).  For some reason, I also found myself eating my daughters left over ravioli's for lunch instead of what I had planned to make for myself.  What can I say? I'm a sucker for carbs...
Any way, tomorrow is another day.  I am determined to find my will power again.  Maybe it lies deep within the 3 feet of snow on my front yard.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12 Feeling Old

Finally able to do sets of 75 jumps.  Started at sets of 20, so this is motivating.  But darn Leonardo da Vinci! Those are killers! Push ups kill me as well. Come to think of it, so do the incline pull ups.  I guess I've turned into an old out of shape mom.  I can't believe how deconditioned I've become.
Eating lots of grilled chicken over brown rice and veggies.  Balsamic vinegar is my best friend.  And oh, those banana smoothies.  Is it possible to OD on potassium?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11 Finding Heaven in a Sweet Potato

OK.  I know we are not supposed to eat too many potatoes.  I haven't eaten one since the PCP started, but last night I made sweet potatoes with roasted chicken and salad.  I asked Andy (my husband) if it were just me, or was that the best sweet potato he had ever eaten.  He said it was me. Here's what I think happened: I LOVE sugar. Sugar in my iced coffee, fruit, ketchup, cookies, cereal, bread, candy...etc  But haven't touched the stuff since our PCP started.  My guess is that the potato was the sweetest thing I had had in 11 days and my taste buds freaked out and did a jig because they were finally getting something similar to the sweetness I once exposed them to every day.  Interesting... If I would only get that reaction with green vegetables...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10 Temptation

Well today was difficult, but I made it.  We had friends from California staying the weekend with us.  Pizza was ordered in lieu of the football games.  Pizza, I love pizza! But I'm happy to report that I did not deviate from the project.  Grilled chicken over whole wheat pasta and veggies was my dinner as 6 others ate pizza.  I also enjoyed my favorite smoothie concoction for dessert while everyone else was chugging down beer.   I'm feeling good about keeping to the plan.

Day 9 If my daughter can do it, so can I!

Today was a fun day with the family.  My four year old, Allie is really getting into the exercising!
All in all a good day!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8 Weight Loss Success

Even though Patrick said, "take no pride" in the weight loss from last week, I do!  Eating half was not easy for me (especially since I usually don't eat much to begin with).  So I lost 5lbs (2.3kg) this week.  I still have a ways to go though.

So today, Day 1 of the 'new diet' was interesting to say the least. A LOT OF FOOD!  I have to admit, I did not eat all of it.  I definitely stuck to the 'rules' but with house guests this weekend and not making it to the market yet, I couldn't fulfill the entire quota.

No veggies at breakfast and not enough protein at lunch.  But the fruit in between worked well for sweet cravings.

The exercises today were also interesting. Jump rope continues to improve.  Does any one else have a hard time with the incline pull up? Wow, much harder than I thought.  And the 'Davinci' shoulder raises.... I'm using the light (10lb) sports cord but I think I need to go buy the wimpy 5lb cord if I can even find one.

All in all, a good day.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 7 Last Supper

Ok, so today I must confess, I ate my two favorite 'unhealthy' foods: pizza and a chocolate chip cookie.  I didn't have half.  I was hungry by lunch time (b/c I had only half a bowl of cheerios) and I ordered my usual one slice of plain pizza at work.  I didn't eat half, I was too hungry and after all, I am still nursing Wyatt.  After lunch I went to my favorite coffee shop and got a chocolate chip cookie.  I thought, this is the last cookie I will have for another 83 days. 

I did the jump roping and again the back pain was improved.  I also am improving my cardiovascular endurance; more jumps and longer stretches.

I'm both excited and nervous about tomorrow and the next 83 days.  (Need to get to the market ASAP and buy more veggies, fruit and eggs!) 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6 Success

Today I jumped on a high quality exercise mat and the back pain I was having was 95% decreased.  Just goes to show what age does to those vertebral discs.
Any way, noticed cardiovascular improvement along with the decreased pain.  Making 60 jumps now without a trip.  Legs were overall less sore, and I can carry the baby up the stairs again.
Diet also went well today.  Overall, eating a lot healthier.  Sneaked in 2 handfuls of chocolate cheerios though after dinner.  Sweet cravings, ughhhh, my demon.

Oh, I also indulged in a great 'PCP' recipe my buddy Sara S. from last PCP taught me for a mid afternoon snack:
1 cup lowfat milk
1 frozen banana
splash of vanilla (or almond) extract
3-4 crushed ice cubes

Mix all in blender and wha-la; yummy smoothie - enjoy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5 Getting Better

Well, again I used my best 'shock absorption' form to muddle through the jump roping.  It seems to rid the pain by 85% or so, but the problem is I look like the hump back of Notre Dame when I'm jumping.

Any how, accumulative lower body exercises now have made my legs pretty sore which makes climbing the stairs to put my little guy to bed very difficult.  However, I do remember well that feeling post-marathon when the site of stairs made me weep.

On the diet: better today, although the night is still young.  Half bowl of cheerios, half a salad with grilled chicken, an apple for a snack (which I have allowed myself a whole one since I am still nursing Wyatt and c'mon, give the girl a break). My husband is making surf and turf for dinner believe it or not; lobster and steak. (We don't normally eat like this).  He is a man who LOVES to eat.  I plan on having the other half of my lunch salad and a small portion of steak.

Looking forward to tomorrow's exercises.  My mat arrives, which I'm hoping will help the back pain.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4 Modification

Ok, well, I managed to diminish my back pain (slightly) by jumping at a slower speed as well as keeping a good bend in both knees.  Obviously creating more shock absorption.  Haven't gotten around to buying a mat yet, but I also hope that will help me out.  Other exercises are fine.  Eating half is weird.  I think I'm really just eating healthier small meals than half.  Will try half again tomorrow. 

My motivation today:                                       


I'm up half the night with him. But looking at him today told me to keep going, back pain or not...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3 Pain

I'm worried. Today I barely made it through the jump roping.  Not because my legs were sore or that I couldn't do it cardiovascularly, but because my back hurt; real pain that shoots down your legs.  I've been jumping in our basement which has concrete floors.  I knew this wasn't a good idea, but it is just too cold here in New York to go outside.  I managed to get through all the sets but had to stop after every 10 jumps.  I didn't break a sweat because of this.  The squats, push-ups and abs were fine, but the jump roping was bad.  I'm going to try and find a padded mat to jump on.  Hope that will work.  Diet is ok. Still playing mental games with myself.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2

I managed to get the second workout in this morning. Weekends will be easier for me since my husband is around to watch the little monsters.  I'm doing ok with the exercises, but the eating half is definitely a challenge.  A mental game, like some of you have also been realizing.  WOULD I have eaten the rest of the ravioli's on my daughter's plate, or am I just hungry because I have only had half of my breakfast?  Well, I think I have been fairing well.  Not great, but ok. 

Funny point: my good friend Sara S. from last PCP loaned me her pull up bar (amongst other PCP tools).  I tried it out last night, as it hangs on a door frame and I wanted to make certain it fit mine before I went out to purchase one of my own.  Well, the door framed cracked when I tried it out.  Our house was somewhat cheaply built in the 80's and the door frames are made of cheap thin wood.  However, I couldn't help but think: "Another sign: I NEED to do this!"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Morning of Day 1

Well, I thought it was a sign that this PCP starts on the the 15th of January and on this same day it happens to be my daughter's 4th birthday.  Hope this will help carry me through... Was once a marathon runner in excellent condition; now a working mother of two and about forty pounds overweight since the birth of my son 6 months ago.
My issue will always be time. But now is the time to work on ourselves and not every body else, right?  My husband took my 4year old skiing early this morning and I managed to get the first workout in while my 6 month old took a nap. 30 minute nap, 30 minute work out. phew, that was close.  Now for the rest of the day. HALF... Let's see how this goes. Good luck to everyone else.  I look forward to chatting with you.
Oh, and here is my photo. But I thought I'd add a photo of how I will look on Day 90 (I hope).
PCP Day 1
5 years ago pre-kids