Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 74 Kids Rule

Well, I haven't had time for nearly anything. Both kids home with fever this week.  Little Wyatt up almost ALL night 3 nights in a row now.  I've been barely getting in the jump ropes and trying to stick in 8MA. Missed 3 days of resistance training. Diet is ok.  Boy is this difficult.  And just when I wanted to nail it home... oh well. PCP 180 here I come..


Molly said...

Life happens..we have to make the best of it! You will!

Richard said...

Heather - you have 'Family' there in your banner: nothing wrong with being a brilliant Mum.

Anonymous said...

hope the kids feel better soon

Chris said...

just keep doing your best, that's all anyone can do! hope everyone is on the mend now.

Helen said...

So awesome that you are doing this and being a supermum too!!

I'm standing on my chair applauding you!

Patrick said...

Poor kids. Do your best with everything!

Scott said...

Every day is a great day but then sometimes "life" gets in our way. Keep in mind Heather...the "90-days" is only the Project. You are learning lessons for a lifetime...and your children will benefit too. Something I say to all my employees..."family first!"