Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 62 Crazy Day

Today was just crazy.  In a nutshell, horrible nights' sleep because kids were not cooperating.  But then I found the energy to run home from the car dealership after dropping my car 2 miles away. (I know it doesn't seem far, but I had less than 4 hours sleep and I ran home in about 15minutes).  I have to copy Vittorio here.  I kept thinking, "Run Forest Run." I kept running faster and faster.  AND it was mostly up hill! I was in shock.

Then...I step on a piece of glass in my kitchen that my dear husband broke the night prior, TWICE! The first cut went into my heel, the second into my forefoot.  The glass stayed in the second time.  I have spent the last 3 hours trying to remove it and finally had success.  I'll be damned if a piece of glass pulls me out of the game now.

With all this, the diet was not great though today.  I will be back on track with that tomorrow, I have made a promise to myself. Again.


Molly said...

OUCH! Way to go on the run.....sounds like that felt good!

Anonymous said...

aiya! hope it's not too painful and that will heal soon. great run1

Patrick said...

I love that run forever feeling. See what your body is capable of?

Chris said...

sorry about the glass... good for you for getting it out right away... May the wind always be at your back!

Juan said...

How's the wound healing? Hope it's all better now H.