Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 60 New found energy from my Fabulous Team

Ok.  I want to thank my team (and Aki and Richard) for this new found energy I am feeling here in NY.  I have to admit, I've been in a funk the last week or so.  That doesn't mean I haven't been sticking to the program.  I have done all the workouts (and abs with Chad) every day.  The diet, also, is in check.  I have just felt out of touch and not in the mood to 'blog it out'.  However... reading everyone's posts have now resurged me.

So... I went running last night.  At 8pm! It was the end of an awful day and I couldn't stand the site of that jump rope.  If you remember, I USED to be a marathon runner.  Anyway, all I can say is I felt as if I could have ran from here to Massachusetts to give Andy, Scott and Dottie a high five.  Of course I stopped after 30 minutes in fear that the coyote's would get me. (we have a lot of them around here lately).

Any way, lots to do so I'll sign out.  Still avoiding the scale, it's torture.

Here's to a strong 30 more days. And to occupying less 'space in the world'.


Molly said...

Yes we have a great team of support.

Running --- sounds awesome. I love that feeling when you feel like you could run forever. I wish SO SO bad I could still run. Glad you enjoyed it!

You're doing great and lets see where another 30 days takes us!

PS: No one ever gave any team name suggestions, did they?

Unknown said...

Great to hear of the energy surge Heather. It's so funny how we all slumped together and now (thankfully!) seem to be emerging from the other side. Good job!

Anonymous said...

im happy that u had an awesome run - i think its time for me to try as well! soon u'll be back to those marathon days ;)

Chris said...

Hurray! You go girl. I admire people who can run 'cause I suck so badly at it. I did a 10K training program once, thought I was going to die... finally ran the 10K (fittingly, the finish line was at a graveyard... how funny is that?) and then never ran again... Good for you! Way to beat the slump.

Dottie said...

You should have kept running!!! I would have loved to see you last night :)
Scott and I were talking about how you are so close to us and someday we must meet!

Patrick said...

Yes, when you actually take time to build your legs while simultaneously losing body fat, the effect on running is like getting set of bionic legs. Great result Heather, focus on the good stuff like this!

Scott said...

I have been to the valley and back and the other side is full of energy! It sounds like you have made a breakthrough and there will be more of them. The key is consistency. Success comes in CANS not in CANNOTS!