Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 53 Goodbye Bathroom Scale

First let me thank everyone for your emotional support.  It really helps to know others are out there trying to achieve their own goals and are going through the same process. (Aki and Richard: so nice to continually here from you guys even when we're not in the same group!)

As difficult as it will be for me, for the next 37 days I vow not to weigh myself.  Thank you Molly for that piece of advice.  It is true, I think the numbers game will actually sabotage my efforts.

Got my workout in this morning.  Leg and shoulder days are killers, aren't they?  I have been reaching muscle fatigue way before the prescribed repetitions now for the last 2 weeks.  The good news is the jump roping is still strong.

Eating better today.  Trying to stay with the program near 99%.  Thank you again guys for your support.  As Richard, our Aussie friend says: Onwards and upwards


Molly said...

Yeah -- progress came for me when I finally ditched the scale!

Anonymous said...

great to hear ur feelin better! we go thru these days.. just need a bit of group hug and a nudge fwrd! yup leg days = wobbly legs!

Brian said...

Yeah! Down with the scale! Who cares about the numbers? You've been rocking it!

Patrick said...

Good choice for your mental and physical health. DO measure waist size!

Scott said...

Way to go Heather...stay strong. Seldom do we meet our own expectations. You're looking (and sounding) great!

Richard said...

We're all in this together and boy - is each workout tough.

Do your best - focus on the work out, enjoy the burn and enjoy the fact that you will get results if you stick to these simple rules.

In the end - you are toning so weight is only secondary to the better shape and health you will attain.

Keep it up - and you're welcome for the comments Heather.

Geordie said...

Great job Heather, sounds like your doing really well. Keep it up!

Chris said...

Yeah, ditch that sucka. Glad you are riding the wave back up. This is some topsy turvy territory we are in huh? I am so glad we are on the same wave length and team because you continually inspire me.