Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 52 Emotional Eater

So, what I've always known to be true really came to the surface this weekend.  Hi, my name is Heather and I'm an emotional eater.  I was pissed off because the numbers on my scale had not moved for 3 weeks.  And I have to say I've been working pretty darn hard at this PCP thing.  So... I ate this weekend.  Pizza and a handful of other stuff I shouldn't have.  All because I was pissed at the scale.  I call this my vicious cycle.  I lose weight and then when I plateau for a period of time I get angry and eat too much which sets me back to square one. 

I now will not enjoy indulgence #2 because I will have to call my weekend of emotional eating that indulgence. 

I am now trying to move on.  Still exercising every day and doing abs with Chad. 

Reading all your posts (and comments) inspire me to keep going and keep strong.  I won't give up this time.


Patrick said...

What numbers hadn't moved? Your weight? Tell us more.

Anonymous said...

the best thing in that situation - is what ur doing trying to move on, as if it never happened! put the scale in the rubbish bin! (or just lock it away ;)) trust me, it will move - with time. it did with me!

Scott said...

Heather - for me, the PCP is an education in eating, exercise and choices...weight loss is the by-product of making the right choices. But sometimes things happen...and when they do, then PCP is about the next choice...the discipline to get back on track.

Molly said...

Throw away the scale or hide it (and that's coming from me, the ex-scale addict)!!!!!

Chris said...

Here's to a new day...! You can totally do this Heather. Thanks for your honesty... here we go, onwards....

Juan said...

Heather just remember muscles weight more than fat, literally and figuratively speaking. So if you didn't loose weight while putting up muscle mass, you should be proud of yourself rather than angry. Also, weight doesn't matter. Put last weekend behind you. Hell, why not have indulgence 2 as you are supposed to. You are doing great.

Andy said...

Heather, I keep having to remind myself of this too, but you chose to do this limited-time project for yourself, and I think you deserve to be a bit selfish in relation to your family obligations just for this 90 day (now 47 day) period... Feed yourself first when you're hungry.