Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 50 Who gives a......

Well, I am a little ticked off today but I don't want to write about it because I'm just going to get a lashing from Patrick.  Let's just say the numbers didn't do what I wanted them to do this morning.  It truly pisses me off.  This week I worked hard.  But.... I am trying to keep in mind that ALL my clothes fit me better and some are too big.  In addition, I have to agree with Birgit.  My moods have been awful, and I find myself short tempered with my husband and 4 year old.  I really hate that.  When I'm hungry every one better watch out.  And it's so difficult because I have to feed every one else before I feed myself.  Sometimes I enter the kitchen in the morning feeling starving at 7am, but it is not until 9 am that I get to eat any thing (nurse Wyatt, empty dishwasher, feed Allie, feed Wyatt, clean up kitchen, set up activity for Allie, nurse Wyatt to sleep... THEN I get to make my breakfast).  Ok, enough of that. Back to the positive.

Work outs are kicking some serious behind.  When did we switch to 5 sets of legs???? Ughhh.  I couldn't even get through the shoulder sets today.  Complete muscle fatigue/failure.  I've been doing abs with Chad (8MA guy - thanks Geordie for the name suggestion) almost every day. I can still feel my diastasis recti, 3 finger separation of the rectus abdominis muscle.  Aghhh, it grosses me out.  I hope that it closes up.  I can thank my 10lb bouncing baby boy for that one.

Ok, pictures are up.  I'm committed to another strong week.


Molly said...

The clothes tell you more then the number! My kids said "Chad" looked like Tyler and hubby said he looks like a Brett! :)

Patrick said...

I think the dudes name is really Windsor, which is not as good as Chad but still funny. Maybe the blonde guy can be Chad.

What were the numbers doing that dissatisfied you Dottie?

Brian said...

Stay strong Heather. Look at the progress in your photos... you're rocking it!

Anonymous said...

i wanna point out, again, some of us have easier routine to deal with the pcp and as mum of 2 kids, with all the work around the house u hav to do, i think ur kicking some serious butts, and u can really see in the pics heather! but hey, when things get tough, do let off the steam on the blog - thats what we're here for!

Chris said...

You look really good and strong Heather. Keep it going, you've come so far. The exercises are getting harder and they are taking their toll. But we are getting close... oh, I would kill for your shoulders!