Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 49 Calling All Members

Ok team:  It occured to me this evening that we REALLY should come up with a team name.  It will further bond us which is crucial to ending this thing strongly.  My friend Sara's (last PCP) team name was JFD.  Which stood for Just F**kin Do It.  But we can think of something more classy. 
Now, between Chris and Andy the comedians, Juan and Scott the intellects, Dottie the writer, Geordie the sensitive wine guru, Mollie the kick ass chef, David the hard core rugby dad and Nicholas, we gotta come up with something guys!!!!! (I'm sorry, I hope I didn't offend any one.  I love you all).

I don't feel like writing about myself tonight.  I'll just leave it for tomorrow post-weigh in and photos.

Night night.  Lets get a name!


Molly said...

I was thinking of this same thing the other night...glad you are taking charge of it. I'll have to think and get back with you. I know someone will come up with something good in this group! :)

Chris said...

Honestly, I don't mind team Praxis (I love X's)... But 'coz you asked, here are some others:

"ROXY" (because we rock and we're gonna be sexy!); "Strongbow" (because we are gonna finish strong); and "LAMB" (Lean And Mean, Baby)

Sara said...

wait - are you saying that JFD isn't a classy name??? I'm hurt, really hurt:)